Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Missed Him by That Much!
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-11-11
Language English
Scenario KWPP007

This night engagement has a small ROK force set up to defend against NK armor, while the NKPA have decided to send a small infantry force on without armor support. 3 NK leaders, a Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant, make for a good chain of command force that can move on a single activation. The ROK force sets up with the two AT sections defending a bridge, a natural choke point in the town when waiting for enemy armor, while the rest of the small force sets up with them in the town, leaving the single step HMG platoon set up in a rice paddy just north of town to sound an alarm when they see the enemy. The NKPA has to stay on or adjacent to the road until sighting or being fired on by the enemy. Turn 1 has the group on the road heading south, and the turn ends with the Captain and the leading elements stopped in the woods, still outside the 2-hex visibility. Turn 2, and the NKPA Captain decides to send out his Sergeant with a single step of infantry to see if they draw fire, and sure enough, the ROK HMG fires on them, giving the alarm for the rest of the ROK force. This tells the NKPA Captain he wants to follow the river to his left and cross further down. The ROK troops sense this move and head to their left to try to catch the enemy forces as they cross. Turn 3 and the NKPA sergeant manages to break off contact and head towards the others and cross the river as well. The NKPA get far enough ahead to make the crossing but don't get far until the ROK force sets up and forces an assault. Both sides have such small elements that neither has much chance of inflicting damage. The NKPA Lieutenant, a single step of Infantry and an SMG platoon make a break for the hills and the south edge while two ROK stacks stall the rest of the force in two assaults. With both sides trading disruptions, the LT makes it off the board, an NKPA victory, but then the ROK inflicts the first loss, a single step Infantry unit. Halfway to their own victory, they continue, but have to break off and work on their own morale, while the NKPA Captain, another single step of infantry and an SMG head towards the south edge. This leaves only the NKPA Sergeant and another single step on the board, and they have become demoralized and fled back across the river. Passing their morale check, they turn around and prepare to join their comrades, but are left with a choice of which ROK stack they want to be assaulted by on the next turn, as the two stacks are set up forcing the communists to pass between or to waste a lot more time and effort evading further to the east with no guarantee that the ROK forces wont be there anyway. Choice made, they head into the hex closest to the one ROK leader that doesn't have a combat modifier, but he is stacked with the slightly higher power stack of Engineer and SMG platoons, and both Sergeant and infantry are demoralized in the exchange doing no damage to the ROK force. A following morale check attempt fails, and the Infantry is eliminated when required to flee and are killed in the free assault shot trying to leave the hex. 2 steps lost by the NKPA now, and both sides have made their victory condition, a Draw result. Good little scenario, ending at the end of turn 12. Another great puzzle to work on.

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