Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Nothing But The Dead and Dying In Our Little Town
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor South Korea
Play Date 2014-11-11
Language English
Scenario KWPP008

I wanted to get a game in on my first Veterans Day off in years, and until I saw Jay's AAR on this scenario I wasn't sure which game to go with. His review made up my mind for me. I'm afraid I set up the ROK forces a bit further north that was best, but the center force holding the town was in the perfect position to catch the T-34s at the end of their first move and pounced immediately on their own activation, taking out 1 step, demoralizing the surviving step and disrupting the other platoon stacked with it. Unable to do anything else, the ROK forces headed for the tangle on the north-south road to try to get one of the other tank units before they could get away. Turn 2 brought another NK initiative with 3 activations. I thought for sure it spelled an NK victory with the tanks being able to break away, but going from road to cross country speed slowed them down enough that the ROK troops were again able to catch up. The two elements having survived assault from turn 1 didn't make it through turn 2, losing 2 more steps and then failing a morale roll when the last step had to flee. ROK 4 to NKPA 0. Turn 3 and ROK got the initiative. They enveloped most of the T-34s and assaulted in 2 hexes, but didn't manage to do anything to the leading 2 platoons, while managing do demoralize the single platoon following along behind. The leading tanks were close enough to make it off the edge of the table, but the single demoralized platoon again failed a morale roll and got caught trying to flee for another step loss. ROK 5, NKPA 4. It was coming down to the wire and only 4 turns into the game. If the remaining step of tanks could manage to evade, regain it's morale and run for the edge, it would be an NKPA victory. But because of losses, NKPA initiative was down to 0, and with that, the luck ran out as well. The ROK Captain lead one last assault accompanied by one AT team and that last step of tanks died at their guns. AT was ineffective, as was the guns and at gun. One 105mm was in position to get a few turns of long range fire, but failed to get a hit. I don't see a lot in other AARs about using the edge half-hexes to get around blocking positions, but I use that tactic myself at times, so setting up the ROK forces, I made sure to cover those open outer hex rows, and as the NK side, I chose to do the old 'hey, diddle diddle, right up the middle' thing, trying to use roads to get as far across the board as possible. In setting up the ROK force a bit further forward than was probably wise, this NK move actually got the tanks nearly halfway across the board before anyone could do anything about them. Taking a chance seemed to be the NK way of doing business. It might have worked had a few assaults not gone the way they did. The only fire done by the NK was in defending in the assaults, and the return fire proved ineffective each time. In the end, the ROK force did well in defending their homeland. Great scenario and my first shot in the Pusan Perimeter game.

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