Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 31st:
An Army at Dawn #18 - Task Force Kern Africa Orientale Italiana #36 - Tanks on Gibraltar
An Army at Dawn #19 - Half Measures Africa Orientale Italiana #37 - Tank Battle at Agordat
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #17 - Task Force Kern Blue Division #20 - A Mi la Legion!
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #18 - Task Force Stark Conquest of Ethiopia #40 - The End of Ras Destà
Africa Orientale Italiana #34 - Tanks at Barentu Mouse That Roared #5 - Sacrifice at Paju
Super SS Major
Author arixius
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-09-26
Language English
Scenario BeNo031

Germans drew the dreaded SS Major (I never remember the crazy SS ranks); morale 11, morale mod 2 & combat mod 1. Maybe the British had a chance with the 4ed rules limiting morale to 10! (Aside: My moniker for any +2 Morale Mod leader is "cheerleader" :) )

To win the Germans had to only eliminate 9 steps but the British had to clear a 7 hex diameter area AND the Germans have four entrenchments AND five town hexes. Tall order. British had better be careful, patient and let the OBA and air pound the SS. Initially, the British did okay. Using smoke they moved their tanks in position and managed to eliminate all the German AT strength. Finally, a game where I can use the APCs! Stack those suckers and blast away at the infantry without worrying about AT. But those SS platoons just bounce back. The only way to eliminate them is to score "X"s. Don't bother considering disorder>demoralize>eliminate. They are like the energizer bunny.

British made another blunder. The battalion south of the river moved through the concealing hedges but a German FO in an entrenchment up slope manage to call down devastating OBA. The British dug in, but the should have retreated. So, even before storming the German's south line, the south battalion lost the 9 steps for a (possible) German victory.

With half the game over the Germans were in good order hunkering down in their entrenchments, but time was running out and the whistle blew. Smoke was dropped and the two battalions charged...into SS HMG (11!-5s). Not a pretty approach and even an uglier assault. That up slope FO entrenchment was captured (too late for the southern battalion, though) and the northern town hexes are engaged but the weaken southern battalion withered away.

Time runs out. Plenty of Germans in the 7 hex circle. Germans win.

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