Author |
Method |
Solo |
Victor |
United States |
Play Date |
2014-09-23 |
Language |
English |
Scenario |
Marines enter with a little more than double the number of Japanese defenders, and need to eliminate a Japanese heavy AA gun as well as at least 5 steps of troops. I used the town hexes to place 2 of the defending stacks, with an INF and Ser in the southern-most town hex, an INF and HMG in a town 4 hexes back but on the beach side, to keep Marines from just advancing up the beach, and another stack in the jungle to the east near the hill, that any Marines that enter the village hex there would be within range to fire. Marines came in with 2-unit stacks, 3 with an INF and an HMG, another with the mortar, the ENG and the FLM elements. Marines advanced well until one CPT with an INF and the FLM assaulted the southern-most town hex, where things got bogged down and the only loss, 2 steps of Marine INF were lost, while another INF platoon moved in from an adjacent hex to keep up the fight. The assault continued for some time while other Marines bypassed the combat. To the east, the firepower of two stacks of Marines finally wore down and eliminated the Japanese holding the flank, but this just gave the Japanese AA gun a target. Die rolls for the most part were mediocre, but a few 2s and a 12 played a large part in eliminating Japanese troops. The Marines called in all 3 of the 10 arty each turn on the Japanese AA guns, but only on turn 14, as troops were maneuvering around and working to eliminate more Japanese troops did the Marine arty get the range. Snake-eyes eliminated the gun while the sergeant at the gun shrugged off the morale check. By this time, the only surviving Japanese troop unit on the table was the HMG, which was working it's way over to the jungle hex where the AA gun and Sergeant had been. The game ended on turn 13, with the Japanese having already lost 11 steps including the gun, and having left only the HMG and SGT. Another Marine victory.