Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 30th:
An Army at Dawn #17 - Faid Pass Jungle Fighting #38 - The Pursuit: 30 January
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #4 - Faid Pass
A stroll in the woods
Author waynebaumber (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2014-08-04
Language English
Scenario SiFo014

Played against new PG'r Dale form New Zealand using Skype. Dale had picked three scenario's from SiF and I picked this one as being the most interesting I offered him the choice of sides and he very sportingly diced for it and got the partisan. This scenario is I think unique in PG has that all one side (The Partisan naturally) are hidden and the Germans have to enter the map. The Germans have to control every wood and town hex eliminate 10 steps without losing 10 steps in return. They have though lots of advantages these are firepower, AFV's, OBDA and most importantly plenty of time (30 turns) to carry out the mission. As the German player I set up in one long line on the north edge of the map, this would layer split into two forces. The largest force would clear the large wood on board 6 then move on to the smaller wood, the other units would clear the wood on board 1 load up on transport and move to the small town on board 1 and clear the field (swamps in the scenario) also on board 1 and then have enough time to clear the large partisan force which I was sure would be in the small wood on the south of board 6. My major concern was were the single Soviet 45mm A/T gun would be but I was hopeful it would be a one shot weapon and once spotted would be dealt with by artillery and mortars. The above plan worked rather well, not Dale's fault nor down to my own genius as battlefield commander, but mainly due to advantages that the Germans have in this scenario. There were no Partisan forces on board 1 either in the woods or the town which enabled me to concentrate my forces reasonably quickly onto the smaller wood on board 6. The A/T gun fired at my armoured car missed and then was disrupted and later eliminated by OBDA. There were three Partisan units in the large woods north of the road, these took a little time to winkle out and one brave unit caused some issues though no losses while in assault for several turns against a overwhelming German force. However the AFV's now free from the threat of A/T fire were able to now join with the INF and HMG plodding through the woods, using combined arms and ensuring that each assault had a leader meant that each Partisan unit caught is assault would eventually be destroyed. By GT 17 the remaining Partisan units were encircled and the end was in sight when Dale conceded.What should have been a more interesting scenario was just too one sided for my liking. German losses were 3 INF steps and a SPW while the Partisan had lost 50% of his force. Cutting the game down to 24 turns would make it a more even contest.

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