Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Tanks? I didn't see no stinking tanks!
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-06-27
Language English
Scenario Saip026

Gads, the scenario didn't last long enough to put 4th edition to the test. A nice little 10-turn scenario with 3 steps of Japanese tanks that have to get across the length of board 83 with 4 steps of Marine infantry, an M3/75 tank destroyer and a reduced Sherman. Japanese have a little bit of a lead in initiative, which my die rolls enhanced for 2 activations as I started turn 1. Looking at the game map, there is a fairly clear line of hexes if I drive up the south edge of the board, but that seemed gamy to me so I figured I'd drive down the trail like any good tank command. Right up to the outskirts of the first town on the trail where the Marines holed up with a full platoon and one reduced platoon, a 9-0-1 Liuetenant and an excellent sergeant (whose numbers slipped my mind, but he sort of reminded me of SGT Rock from the numbers - all the Marine leaders came out excellent with a 10-1-1 LT I left in charge of 2 reduced squads a bit further back along the road). Anyway, as the Japanese full platoon of Type 95 tanks came to a stop on the edge of the village, the halftrack opened OP Fire, claiming a step right off the bat. The Japanese Shin reduced platoon came along on the next activation and stopped just inside the jungle, still on the trail but out of sight of anyone who could do it harm. Marine Sherman activates, and having the advantage of shooting after the halftrack shot, gets the crossfire modifier. Bang, there goes the second step. Thus ends turn 1. Turn 2 starts as did turn 1, with the Japanese getting 2 activations and the US 1. The Shin moves forward one hex into the open with the idea of skirting the village through the fields to his left, when the halftrack again OP fires. Bang. There goes another and final step of Japanese armor. Getting second thoughts about what is gamy and what isn't. I want to try this gain face to face with somebody who might just do that end-run sort of thing, making me as the Marine spread out a bit more to catch him wherever he might head.

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