Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Good assault against a fixed position
Author dricher (Australia)
Method Face to Face
Victor Australia, Britain
Participants unknown
Play Date 2013-09-20
Language English
Scenario AfKo028

This scenario was played as a team event by my gaming group. I act as moderator and facilitator for each game, and I do not participate directly as a player. My listing of “winning” is based on the PG HQ site cannot support a neutral role in AARs.

This is another scenario where I can’t find my details on how it played out, so I’ll cover it as a quick synopsis. The Brits set up a serious hedgehog near the victory hexes, providing a nasty nut to crack. They deployed a couple of Brens out front, but their one error was not setting and dug in soft targets in a forward position. While it would have given the Germans something to beat on, it would have provided great long range spotting for arty support.

Luckily for the Brits the Germans didn’t waste any time. The long range arty would have harassed the Germans and placed the German/Italian arty at some risk. The Axis player may have paid a small price for spending time using arty prep against the Brits while trying to flank the Brit position. But the German commander decided that the few turns of arty he did use was ineffective (it was) and hence a waste of effort. So he called for a frontal assault against a well prepared position. It was a slaughter. The Italians nearly made it to the Brit line, but collapsed just on the verge. This left the German approach on the Brit right the target of choice, and the Germans were likewise thrown back. Those few that made it into assault went down hard. The Axis force was chewed to pieces for the loss of a few Brens and a step of Brit infantry.

The German player left twelve to fifteen turns on the table. That’s a lot of arty prep fire opportunity. Had the Axis spent more time prep firing against the Brit line (especially against the AT guns) and tried some flanking maneuvers to prevent the attack going against the solid supporting fire portion of the Brit line they may have forced the issue, or at least made a good challenge of it. The Brit position in this game is very strong, and I suspect they have a slight edge if their OBA stays intact, particularly due to Italian morale. But this scenario looks very winnable by either side. This is a solid scenario that takes some patience, something the German/Italian side did not have.

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