Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Do I Really Get a Whole Play Credit For This One ?
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants Brett Nicholson (AAR)
Play Date 2014-03-06
Language English
Scenario AfKo034

This game was played over Skype with Brett in a 33 minute session !! I was looking for a quick evening game between work days and Brett picked out this small tank battle from Afrika Korps.

On turn 1 the German PzIII's advanced straight up the road towards the 3 x plns of British A13's deployed in line with each a hex apart. The British were set up on the hill ridge so really, the Panzers were forced to advance within 3 hexes in order to see them. In a 9 turn game, there is little time to flaff about so I had to display some boldness. The advance was done in segments so as to tempt the British to fire out of turn. The British held fire patiently and then, when their sights were settled, 2 platoons opened up on the Germans whilst one on the road started digging in. The German PzII's stayed out of range of this tank battle. The British fire whizzed by the PzIII's missing all shots.

Turn 2 and the Germans win initiative by 1 AS. Only the 2 x PzIIIG's open up and they succeed in hitting a step from the A13's on the British left flank. The remaining step demoralises. One A13 pln returns fire, missing again and the centre A13 completes digging in. The 2 x PzIIIF's so far unactivated, seize their chance with the remaining good order British already fired or digging-in and they rush up the road, past the British line and take position behind the enemy so as to set up crossfire. The 2 x PzII's start digging in, continuing to keep their weak armour out of range and safe.

Turn 3, the British win initiative by 1 AS and one A13 pln fires at the G's to their front. They miss again but only by a whisker with one shot. The PzIIIF's behind them return fire. They missed, but had set up the crossfire confusion for the IIIG's to follow up. Once again, British fire missed and the IIIG's eliminate another 2 steps of A13's, leaving just the dug-in A13 platoon on the road to resist.

Turn 4, the Germans get a 2 AS advantage and both the F's and G's open up from both sides. This finishes off the remaining A13 platoon. The reduced demoralised A!£ step continues to fail recovery and the PzII's finally advance up the road toward the board edge now that the 'coast' is clear.

Turn 5 - All 6 German tank platoons exit off the map safely to chase down those guns mentioned in the notes and claim a major victory

In 33 minutes the game ended. No German losses, 5 British A13 steps left in smoke.

This gets just a '2' from me. It was fun to win, but really comes down to dice rolling with the minimum of manouvre once the guns do open up. As results show, it is pretty close in balance, but today was the Germans day. The lack of depth in it for me is what warrants the 2 rating and that is all. My main surprise is given some of the biggie scenarios I get involved in, I am surprised this gets the same play notation of 1 play. Of course there is little other choice, but boy, it was a quick game :-)

2014-03-06 16:06

I rated this one a "2" as well though as a solo play I think it got a "3" out of me first time around. It really does come down to dice rolls and if I hadn't of dug that one platoon of tea kettles in then I would of maybe of got 4 more shots in but whatever the case I still would of needed to roll 11s to get through the PzIII's armor. I suppose it could of gone either way if my clunkers had been able force a step loss first but they all missed. Well, you wanted a quick match and you got one Vince! I would like to blame my girlfriend for her distractions "what does this marker mean?" but that would be unfair -if anything perhaps she enhanced the session. Instead, I blame Churchill!

2014-03-06 20:05

You should have swopped sides and played it again. That's what Joesph and I did.

2014-03-07 04:12

I haven't played it but it sounds fun, quick and balanced. Fun, quick and balanced mean more than a "2" for me. However a lot of people on this forum prefer large scenarios....

2014-03-07 05:07


Thanks for reading. Hopefully my remarks made it clear that there was nothing 'wrong' with the scenario. But for my taste, just not enough going on. If it helps, from your own designs, I like such things as The Iron Line scenarios (which I should have marked as '5' rather than a '4') and Race To The Meuse etc ... The titles of the other tough scenarios in FoF I have played allude me at present but I like the biggies ..

So the '2' is purely on 'What it did for me' ... heck, Kirk H rated it a '5', so we can see how tastes vary.

Finally, I won anyway which always makes a scenario enjoyable LOL

2014-03-07 05:19

This was a replay for me as I played it solo about a year back and probably rated it a "3" then. I didn't think it was a bad scenario, but like Vince just didn't get much out of it for a shared match; especially on the losing end. It is nice for something brief and simple but I wasn't enamoured by it. I think it would make a good beginner's scenario for introducing a new player to armored units. Also, had there actually been any successful return fire on my part I would of enjoyed it more but I had no such luck. It was pretty much a rollover with our play but if one of the panzers had been reduced or delayed then it might of been a little more enjoyable for the both of us regardless of the outcome. Also, good luck with getting Vince to swap sides! ;-)

2014-03-07 06:20

Hello Vince !

I know your taste for biggies ! Just a comment to say that short scenarios can be real fun too, but they have to be balanced. Sort of adrenaline shoot.

2022-01-21 04:40

I like short scenarios too, but dang. This wasn't balanced.

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