Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 3rd:
Lost Battalion #2 - Battle of Leuwiliang, The 2nd Day
Big Battle with lots of fun toys!
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-07-02
Language English
Scenario BeNo001

Note: Score will be denoted by (x-y), where x=German casualties, y=British casualties.

Solitaire Note: Pre-plotted artillery. To make this somewhat “random” I chose 6 hexes (Cheux) and then randomly rolled which would get hit each turn. If a hex with no units was chosen, then the British could activate a different unit for their impulse.


0745 - 0800

The British forces advance southward toward the German lines. Rain and soggy ground slows the armour advance to a crawl. Artillery strikes hit Cheux hard causing the first casualties of the battle. (3-0)

The 9th Cameronians are on the west with the 2nd Glasgow Highlanders advancing in the east.

0815 – 0845

The Confusion (Fog of War) allows for little advance over the next 45 minutes. The Cameronians advance but are hit by artillery and HMG fire. (3-4)

0900 – 0915

The Glasgow highlanders charge and take their first casualties. (3-6)

The whole German line is now firing on the advancing Scots. A Bren is hit by a 50mm AT Gun. The German morale is too high! They won’t break as the British casualty count begins to mount (3-10). Two platoons of Crabs (Flail Tanks) arrive in the north to help deal with the minefields.


The 7th Seaforth Highlanders appear in the north.

The Glasgow Highlanders are hit hard but manage to assault the Germans. British Crocodiles (Flamethrower Tanks) slowly advance down the sodden track.

With casualties mounting, both the Cameronians and the Glasgow Highlanders lose cohesion (down to 7/7 morale!)

Germans AA Gun battery in the west eliminated by British HMG fire. This is the first German casualty from direct fire. (18-4)


British continue to get pounded (21-4). They call for air support but the Marauder is ineffective.

I will no longer track overall British casualties, but only formation casualties to determine cohesion

1000 – 1030

British Crocodile, supported with Scottish engineers wreck havoc on the eastern town. (25-7)

Approaching “half-time” the British push hard on both flanks sustaining more heavy casualties.

The Seaforth Highlanders about to relieve the Glasgow Highlanders in the east.

1045 – 1115

Germans continue to hold the line against heavy weight of the British advance. The PzIVH platoons of the 5th and 8th Panzer Companies, 12th SS Panzer Regiment arrive to provide some armour support in the west.

The Crabs are hit by 75mm AT fire.

The front east is beginning to fall to the Scots. (Germans up to 11 step losses). But, the overall advance is too slow and too minimal. Victory is beginning to appear hopeless for the British.

1130 – 1145

Crabs find a safe path (decoys) in the German minefield line. One is eliminated by a German 75mm AT Gun.

Crocodile with Infantry support eliminates the Germans holding out in the northeast. The Crocodile is out of fuel.


Anti-Tank Gun crew routs under fire.

Germans are hit hard by British armour. They begin to fall back as the PzIVH reserves advance.

1215 – 1230

Cameronians are through with the aid of the Churchill VIIs. PzIVH set up to their south behind a hedgerow ready to attack.

An armour battle in the west begins with both sides suffering an armour reduction.

German reinforcements, 15th Company 25th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment arrives.

The British have taken way too many casualties. They have insufficient numbers to take Cheux in the hour and a half to go.

1245 – 1300

Armour battle continues in the west with the Panzers holding back the British tanks. The Crocodile platoon is eliminated. In the centre, British armour reaches Cheux as the Highlanders push through!


Running out of time the Churchills are forced back by the PzIVHs in the west. The frontal attack against Cheux begins with a combined force of armour and infantry.


The German front line is almost completely eradicated now with only the two entrenchments still holding out. But they delayed the British effectively as time is almost up.


With 30 mins left, the PzIVHs head into Southern Cheux, and the Allies admit defeat.



A very bloody first couple hours for Operation Epsom. The 9th Cameronians and 2nd Glasgow Highlanders are almost completely decimated.

The SS front line was also effectively destroyed, but they managed to hold back the British long enough while the German armour and Reserves held the town of Cheux.

Scenario Rating: 3/5. A pleasant start to Beyond Normandy. A fairly intense battle with lots of interesting units and special rules. Fairly complex by Panzer Grenadier standards recommended for experienced players. This battle took approximately 5-6 hours to complete. I would have rated this a 4/5, but I believe it is a fairly difficult battle for the British to have a chance at victory.

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