Panzer Grenadier Battles on February 1st:
An Army at Dawn #20 - A Stronger Effort Africa Orientale Italiana #38 - Roadblock in Dongolaas Gorge
An Army at Dawn #21 - Back to Sened Station Road to Berlin #25 - Fritz's Heirs
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #19 - Renewed Effort Road to Berlin #26 - Ad Hoc
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #20 - Return to Sened Station
Fast and Furious
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-01-10
Language English
Scenario DeRa013

Germans advanced in two groups: (1) all the PzIII, PzII, and the 50mm AT essentially NEbE whilst (2) the PzIV's and the infantry company (on foot) move EbN. Essentially, the infantry screens the PzIV's and the PzIII platoons screen the vulnerable PzIIs.

The British set up with two groups, one of five that head due north and one of four that move NW (two tank leaders in each). The obvious intention being to have the one group block eastward advance whilst the other circles for a crossfire.

As the movement evolved, it quickly became clear that the German infantry and PzIV's simply were not going to allow a wide flanking attack looping around from the SW. So, the British commander runs his southerly formation suddenly due north to make it close to (and with two units) adjacent to the southernmost PzIII units (whilst the northern Stewarts hold a line to the east). Sort of a Trafalgar move. The British now flanked some of the German PzIII's, but the Germans flanked the southern Stuart group. It would come down to initiative.

Perhaps the most exciting (short) single turn in my PG play. The German PzIV's rolled distressingly poorly despite needing only 7's to kill the poorly armed Stuarts. The Stuarts managed to kill two PzIIIG steps (on different platoons) but both panzers made their M2 morale checks. The PzIII group fired last killing or demoralizing the remaining British armor. A little drama remained as a good order half-step and one disrupted half-step still lurked near to the German armor park. But the initiative now strongly favored the Germans (+4) and were able to "clean up" what remained. Two half-stepped Stuarts fled having failed morale checks, but neither held a leader. Thus, the Germans were able to continue their advance unmolested except by a few OBA attempts (by a regular leader I supplied - see errata - but he was chased off by a German infantry platoon).

So the Germans exit twenty-two steps of armor (losing two PzIIIG steps) whilst the British lose all but two half-stepped and DEM Stuart platoons that fled back to the south.

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