Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
None Shall Pass
Author armyduck95
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2011-06-15
Language English
Scenario AlWa005

This was a tough one for the Americans; with the terrain, time, visibility, hidden units, and cold weather all working against them. Objective was to secure a line of communication through Jarmin Pass by finding and neutralizing dug-in Japanese. The Americans have to think closely about order of march in order to stay on the track and avoid the muskeg as much as possible until contact is made with the enemy. The Japanese can position themselves well to launch a linear ambush against the advancing Americans.

The Japanese set their defense as follows: Hex 1018 - Dug in, LT (9-0-1), 1 x INF, 1 x 81mm Hex 0718 - Dug in, LT (9-0-0), 2 x INF Hex 0619 - Dug in, CPT (10-0-0), 2 x HMG Hex 0518 - Dug in, LT (10-0-1), 2 x INF

The Americans entered with a scouting patrol in front to make contact and spot for indirect fire, then HMGs to establish a base of fire, then INF to maneuver into assault positions, and then 81mms to provide indirect support.

Execution for the Americans went poorly, with good rolls for the Japanese. Contact occured on turn 3 with the lead patrol suffering its first step loss. On Turn 8 and 9, the U.S. lost 4 more steps and an LT leader. Even with good hits, the Americans couldn't force the Japanese morale to drop below disrupted and their leadership often helped them recover quickly. On Turn 11, the Japanese lost their first leader (LT 9-0-0). On Turn 13 the US began to manuever through the Muskeg to try and get on the high ground and lost its 6th step. By Turn 16, the a U.S. assault force had made it adjacent to Hex 0619, but lost initiative. The US inflicted 1 step loss on the Japanese, but lost 2 more steps, and then on turn 17, the U.S. lost 3 more steps and was strung out and combat ineffective and unable to hold any Arctic Hill hexes At this point the US. Commander decided to withdraw, and the Japanese commander held position and allowed for them to retreat into the fog.

VPs: Japanese Major Victory (14 net VPs)

Japanese = 4 hill hexes + 11 US INF steps = 15

US = 1 JAP INF step = 1

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