Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
On The Run - Afrika Korps Scenario 20
Author vince hughes (Germany, Italy)
Method Face to Face
Victor Australia, Britain
Participants unknown
Play Date 2009-09-18
Language English
Scenario AfKo020

I just had the misfortune of playing this one as the Axis player in a face-to-face battle and took an unadulterated HIDING !!

It was very very difficult (as the historical note would suggest).

With just 6 x INF, 2 X HMG, some light tanks and 1 x MTR (No OBA !!!),the AK have to cross a wide WADI (so their tanks can't cross) AND If they DO use the bridge, the AUS can blow it up with anything but a rolled '1' and everything on the 4 hex bridge dies. Once across the wadi, they will be faced by entrenchments, 14 x AUS INF plus 4 x HMG etc. The AK need to capture an incredible 5 entrenchments ...

Whilst trying to find the thinnest part of the wadi, casualties were whirring up at a rate of knots as Allied OBA rained down a series of rolled 2's, 3's & 12's plus the 2 x on-board 25pdr's were just as effective.

In the end, all the AK had left to attack ONE entrenchment were 3 x platoons, 2 of them with step losses supported by some long range (5 hexes) MG support from HMG and vehicles the other side of the wadi. It was TOUGH.

Even the Italian reinforcements that come on turn 18 of a 25 turn game did'nt have time to close to contact (maybe I should have used a couple to rush the bridge in a suicide gamble).

All in all, my harshest loss ever I'd say. Just 2 steps of casualties inflicted on the Aussies with around 14 steps of AK lost.

Being a true gamer, rather than throwing in the towel, I did Manfully play the game out till turn 25, despite the horrors confronted by against my Evil scenario chooser opponent, Darryl Simms

On another day, not such severe losses from OBA, plus a small gamble at the bridge may have paid different dividends, but on the evidence above a VERY convincing Allied victory

2013-08-23 06:23

I agree with you on this being a tough one for the axis player. One of the quirks was that nowhere in the commonwealth deployment force is there an ENG unit listed in the roster to blow the bridge up. So I just faked it assuming if there was an ENG unit it would of been set-up by the bridge. Chances are that the bridge will get blown unless a 1 is rolled so it would of been quite a gamble to try to send armor units across it. It was interesting to see how both German and Italian units would fare seemingly trying to swim across a river of sand (the wadi) and attempt to make it to the entrenchments. And then the armored units trying to shoot across the wadi without getting plugged by longer ranged A.T. fire from the other side. I don't think any of the Italian units made it to the other side. In the end all of the German armor was destroyed and not one trench taken. It was fun trying though but with the bridge being destroyed there was never any real chance of an axis success.

2013-08-24 03:23


I enjoy hearing about other peoples plays of a scenarioI haveplayed myself. I thought this one was simply awful. I reckon my opponent chose it to gain a cheap win LOL !!

2013-08-24 05:08
I suppose I would of rated it a lot lower if it was a shared play, especially playing with the axis! I didn't do very well with Germany in 'Afrika Korps' overall but I didn't have the space to play all of them. In the end I finished 40 of 50 and out of 15 scenarios with Germany they came in last with: 5 victories, 1 draw and 9 losses! But most of the games I played involved Italy and Australia. It was odd that Italy actually finished out a lot better for the axis with: 8 victories, 10 draws and only 6 losses. Ultimately, in my play, the allies won 'Afrika Korps' by 3 scenarios. It's quite the opposite so far in 'Desert Rats' with the axis ahead by 2 wins but there are only 31 of 50 that I can play with the space and components available to me.
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