Sidi Impossible | ||||||||||||
I really debated over logging in a German victory for this scenario because it did happen and then maybe it didn't. Most likely it did. Perhaps I should clear up why. I do not have a printed copy of the 3rd edition rules and played by misunderstood game mechanics from the 2nd edition. First off, reading the scenario introduction and conclusion, followed by the set-up, it would appear that this would be a tough German victory. With only one 37mm A.T. gun and off-board artillery support of 1x10 up against 7 tank platoons, it seemed that only luck and a lot of it could force even a draw. So I did what seemed logical and have the German units dig-in at the highest hill level and wait for the onslaught. With the Crusader tanks I approached with excessive caution and inched in from the flanks and rearguard, waiting for dusk and decreased visibilty before moving closer in. By 18:15 I was able to extract a Crusader step loss and only three steps were required for German victory conditions. This was erroneously done with HMG fire and not with the A.T. gun. In fact, none of the seven British steps losses were delivered from the 37mm, whose rounds simply bounced off even at point blank range. By games end though, the only German loss was the 37mm and not until towards the end of the scenario, when all had been "lost". Okay, now to clear this up, maybe. The 2nd edition rules state on rule 7.25 "AFVs and APCs are immune to all but an X or #X result on the Direct and Bombardment tables" and again on 7.4 that all units except for units with a printed armor defense value (even of 0),which are only affectedif an X or #X result is rolled. This has always bothered me that how in the past through my interpretation (or misinterpretation) of 2nd edition rules that even a lowly, single, prone to surrender, Italian INF platoon could stop a thick-skinned Matilda with a lucky opportunity fire shot at point blank range. But I wrote it off as a game mechanic quirk and in the past, had proceeded with excessive caution using tanks only in attacks. So, after play and thanks to PG Headquarters Relevant AFV rules I was brought to light after all this time and frustration. That X and #X on Direct and Bombardment fire tables only cause for a mere M morale check to armor. finally I am up to the times! So why did I choose to still log in a German victory? Well, first off, with using excessive caution, the British player could not extract the required 8 German step losses. Second, thanks to a random event roll of New Orders (in favor of Germany) that requirement increased to a 10 step requirement. Lastly, the Germans, through excessive bravery were able to get 7 X results through 2 and 12 dice rolls. So even only counting 3 of those 7 accounting for step loss, it is assumed that the Crusaders would of likely failed half of their morale checks and more likely adjacent INF and HMG units could and would exploit those results -what else could they do other sit back and scream hysterically. In conclusion, I have now moved one step closer to being a 3rd Edition rules player. If I were to revisit this scenario EVERYTHING would have to be done differently in regards to the offense, though not much more for the defense -what more could they do? You would have to charge right in with the Crusaders and get as many point blank shots in as possible to achieve the required victory conditions. Firing from 2 or more hexes away is a waste of time when units are dug-in in hill terrain. Now on to DR Scenario 15 - "Sidi Rezegh: The Counter attack" with whole new approach in tactics now cleared by rule clarification. Thanks for reading my rant! |
Hi nebelwurfer9! Nice AAR. Have you taken a look at our Annotated Rules? They run a bit long, but they're much more useful than the stock 3rd Edition PDF that Avalanche Press offers...
~ S
Thanks Shad and yes I am scanning them and taking notes. I don't have a printer working at the moment but will be able to implement the rules as I go. This site has been a great help since the last two weeks after finding it and has increased my interest more as a player of PG. I also especially like the daily timeline matching scenarios with a historical timeline and of course reading other AARs for insight. Thanks again for the input!