Millions of bullets can't be wrong | ||||||||||||
This is the second of the major amphibious landing scenarios, and the US was able to claw out a victory. In the first landing, I landed the US forces as far away from Japanese defenders as possible, but then lost the battle because they couldn't come to grips with and defeat the Japanese in time. In this battle I concentrated the landings right in the midst of the defenders, suffered higher initial casualties, but ultimately succeeded. I also changed the tactics of the Japanese defenders. In the first battle I moved them around a lot in reaction to the attack, counterattacking locally in many places. Here I largely left the defenders in place, in the best cover they could get. They won the first battle, even though they suffered many losses, but here they lost even though for hours they took no losses at all. My experience of PG in general is that I tend to waste my forces by being too aggressive, not using the clock to patiently develop attacks. In these scenarios the aggressive approach paid off. The clock was limited and the Marines had crazy firepower available. I like that the scenario threw me a curve ball like this, it shakes up my attitude toward the game and keeps it fresh. |