Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Law of unintended consequences
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Spain
Play Date 2013-04-17
Language English
Scenario BluD004

*This was a solo play that I thought would be quick play, but not quite. I found it interesting as it has both sides with "forced" troops. The Soviets have the penal troops while the Spanish have fanatical leaders. The leaders are interesting as they will possibly go fanatical when they activate. Although note that this possible fanaticism will not happen if they are recovering, but will when they are in an assault hex. But with my play, it seems that this can be avoided, if a player positions properly. My narrative will note this.

I did like this scenario but feel that this SSR needs a bit more to force the Spanish into a more desperate situation. Defensively, the Spanish can be very strong, but not impervious.*

The Spanish setup the bulk of their forces in the larger town on board 17. HMGs hold the western approached with dugin INF's in front. A lone AT gun is in the town with the other covering the south side of town from the fields to the south of the smaller town. INF's hold the large towns flanks. The Spanish command structure is good with leaders with 10's and 9's. The is one super Tenente at 11-1-2. He holds a key dugin position in front of the HMG's. More on him a little later.

The Soviets hold the Barracks on board 19 with a company of troops, but the main force will enter from the east. Penal troops will lead the attack with two battalions of Soviet troops and a company of T-26's advance to force the Spanish from the town. The Soviet decide that they will need all troops forward as their morale is less than the Spanish and leaders are even worse.

After three turns the advancing Soviets make contact with the Spanish. Soviet OBA is good for this scenario and with a 42 OBA factor start getting step losses while the units are advancing. This starts to put a pinch on the Spanish to recover disrupted units, but their super Tenete fails to recover for 45 minutes. This leaves the Spanish dugin troops without a leader to support morale checks during the bombardment. As the Soviets creep forward, the Spanish must wait and Commandante has strict orders not attack but just OP fire while the Soviets advance. This makes it hard as the leaders cannot assist with any recoveries or direct fire.

When the Soviets are in range the Spanish open up with mortars first followed by the HMG's. Predictably, the low morale Soviets begin the disrupt and demoralized, but some make it through the fire to close on the north side of the large town. Penal troops leading the charge but get killed trying to assault. A second group does make it in to a reduced Spanish INF hex and lock up the Spanish troops. A Tenente activates to help but gets the whole northern INF group advancing into the woods. The Soviets respond with the reinforce company that tries to get around the Spanish in the woods. Out of the town they are vulnerable to the Soviet OBA, that does get some step losses. Spanish OP fire is good and disrupts or demoralized the flanking Soviets.

To the south, the Soviets have better luck and get into the woods south of the large town. From here two platoons move to take the smaller town from the 81mm mortars that have been harassing the Soviet advance. Spanish fire from the south side of the large town slow this advance, but eventually the Soviets force the mortars out of town. But to the north is a 37mm AT the is preventing the T-26's supporting an attack on the south side of town. On board artillery disrupts and demoralized them and eventually they spike their guns and run.

The Soviets continue to push the troops into the southern woods. Tank fire into the dugin troops demoralize the Spanish and the Soviets assault the southern foxholes. Clearing them the Soviets go for the stronger defenses with the super Tenente. With a leader and a T-26 an INF piles into the super Tenente's position. The Soviet attack fails with the INF demoralizing. The Tenente see's opportunity for glory and charges the tanks and demoralized INF. The score a step loss on the tanks by pitching grenade bundles into the treads, but the Soviet counter attack is accurate and kill a step of Spanish INF. Retreating back to their foxholes the super Tenente is struck by machinegun fire from the reduced tanks and is mortally wounded. His faithful runners try to get his body but are also killed by the fire.

The Spanish continue to push in the north. More penal troops charge a reduced Spanish INF in the northern woods. Tieing up the Spanish, the Soviet units move around to get to the open town hexes in the rear. Spanish mortar fire slows the Soviets but eventually the Soviets gain the north-west town hex. The Spanish pull back the units in the assault with the penal troops as the Soviets try to press the reduction of the perimeter. But Spanish HMG fire disrupts the Soviet advance.

Back to the south the Soviets are stuck in the woods with several early FOW rolls, but eventually get something moving in the front of the town. Fire on the dugin troops kill two steps but the remaining troops recover quickly to provide defense. More Soviets keep the pressure on but Spanish HMG fire keep them at bay. By turn 20 the Spanish have held the town and the Soviets are left with disrupted and demoralized troops.

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