Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Death by a thousand surrender rolls...
Author Shad
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2009-06-14
Language English
Scenario AfKo015

The paucity of British units makes this scenario more interesting than it otherwise would be. Basically, as the Brits you haven't enough muscle to force the situation, so you're maneuvering at speed to try and split off weak Italian units and then surrender them.

Very much the way a pack of lions would attack a herd of buffalo, now that I think about it...

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