Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Italians notch up another win in this scenario
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2013-02-01
Language English
Scenario AfKo003

I am amazed that the Aussies have won this scenario a couple of times in its 15+ plays. If you have read the other AAR's you will know that the Australians have to take all ten entrenchments to win and not lose more than six steps in the process. With 2 X 30 Italian OBDA units available every turn I would say that the Eyeties have more than a good chance of causing six step losses with artillery alone let alone the OF opportunities which will present themselves during the game. In my game the ENG rushed to fill out the AT ditches and lost heavily in doing so 3 strep losses in the first 30 minutes. The Aussie attack rumbled in but the Italian commander had gone for a forward defense and by 0615 and already disposed of the six Aussie steps required for Victory. Could the Australians push on and force a draw, well no he couldn't, in fact more than half the game had passed before the first entrenchment fell, and by that time the Italian commander and pulled back some INF who had dug in around the most westerly entrenchment making it impossible for the Aussies to even get adjacent to the last entrenchment let alone take it. By game end only half the required number of entrenchments had fallen. In fact helped by an Capitano 10-1-2 the leading entrenchment with had been under assault for 9 game turns still held out. A easy Italian win then in an interesting puzzle of a scenario but very unbalanced IMHO. Losses were 5 Aussie ENG steps, 5 Aussie INF steps to 8 It INF steps 1 45 mm and 2 x IT 65mm. OBDA caused 6 step losses v the Aussies 2 more in Assault and the last 2 fell in OF. I did not keep track of how the Italian steps losses were caused, but the 65mm were wiped out by the Aussie OBDA.

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