Author |
Method |
Solo |
Victor |
Soviet Union |
Play Date |
2012-12-10 |
Language |
English |
Scenario |
On the icy steppes of Soviet Russia a SS Cavalry units with some INF & HMG support are tasked with taking an important crossroad during the Russian winter counter offensive in 1942.
The Soviets are dug in around the crossroads and have good artillery support, the SS Lt Col dispatches his Cavalry units to the right flank to take the Soviets from the rear while his slower moving units will advance up the North/South road and engage the Red Army in a frontal attack. A classic maneuver, however the Soviet artillery disrupted the flank attack by the CAV and excellent Russian HMG fire disrupted the German frontal attack.
It had started well for the German foot units who pushed in the Soviet picket forces without loss and even destroyed a 45mm A/T unit in close assault. However the officer in charge of that plucky platoon called in Artillery fire on his own position which resulted in the first German losses. After that it went downhill very rapidly, as accurate opportunity fire made it impossible for the German commander to get his fire line organised meanwhile the Russian artillery was having a good day disrupting the flank attack.
Eventually the SS cavalry commander launched two charges both of which succeeded in tying down Russian INF in assault but failed to cause any losses, the Soviet Lt Col quickly reinforced the assault and drove the horsemen away.
The German commander realizing that he would not be able to take the Soviet positions withdrew.**This is a real hard ask for the SS IMHO, a good Soviet set up around the board 9 cross roads gives the Soviets chance to reinforce any part of the defense which appears to be threatened, the total lack of cover makes the German cavalry easy targets and the poor German morale means that though casualties were quite light in mu game there were a lot of disrupted and demoralized German unit in the rear of the battlefield. In this game I had a KOM 8-0-0 which would normally mean at least a couple of summary executions but not in this scenario as he managed to persuade several units back to the colours in time to reinforce threatened sectors. Not a great scenario, I am marking it a two but that is possibly a little harsh. Looking forward to seeing other results on this one.*
Wayne, I would be interested to know your exact Soviet Union setup and see if I can come with a different plan of attack.
Daniel, This is from memory but all units on board 9 0509 Dug in 81 0510 Dug in INF HMG LTCOL 0609 Dug in HMG INF 0409 Dug in HMG INF. This was the inner ring of defenses. 0711 Dug in 45 INF 0512 Dug In INF x 2 0311 Dug in INF x 2 0209 Dug in INF x 2 0207 Dug in INF x 2. The outer ring. The KOM was with the LTCOL the WGNs with the 81 & 45 and other LDRS with outlying INF, the INF in 0209 and 1 INF from the Inner ring deployed to the North to face the SS CAV. Feel free to comment on this set up. But remember its Christmas so be nice.