The only drama was time... |
This scenario is a very straightforward scenario. There's little drama, especially once the French army is found. There are only two real places to set up, as the victory conditions almost mandate they set up in towns. Once found, the Germans have quite a bit of time to get their troops in order and attack. If, however, there's much defense at all supplied by the French, the Germans can easily run out of time. In my case, the Germans only got the reinforcements at 1545 (45 minutes to go), so they were inconsequential. The French were in the southwest village (determined on die roll between that town area and the northwest town area - once the Germans reached a town the die was rolled - even meant north, odd meant south - and it was odd). The French opened up on the first few units, but caused no permenant damage. The Germans slowly moved up and coordinated their attack and within an hour, half the French units were gone and the other half disrupted and/or demoralized. Their only hope was to hold out 45 more minutes... In the end, they couldn't do it. Too many fresh German troops assaulted French units in less-than-great shape. Germans took the last town as the church bells rang out 4 times... |