Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Crazy Contested Crossing
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2012-10-21
Language English
Scenario IrCu020

If you want to work on your river crossing and infantry tactics this is certainly the scenario for you. One map, two battalions per player, no artillery or vehicles whatsoever, just a bunch of grunts fighting a bunch of grunts over a river and a bridge.

Not only that but this is a VERY balanced scenario. While I had an American victory it was within a die roll for the Russians to win or to end with a draw (with neither side "winning").

both sides enter en masse and rush towards the bridge. If the bridge falls to the American player it will almost certainly end with an American victory. As a result the initiative on turn 3 is of incredible importance. In my play the Soviets got the initiative and the bridge, a position they did not fail to hold or contest throughout the game. With lower firepower and fewer commanders the Soviets must carefully arrange their men to hold the bridge and deftly deal with any interlopers using engineers to cross the river elsewhere. Each side must deal with the fact that their morale is not the usual 8/6 but rather 7/6 leading to a lot more failures of morale checks than either the Americans or Soviet Guards are used to.

The initial American attempt was to establish strong fire groups around the bridge and chase away any Soviets trying to reinforce the bridge while sending one company with engineer support to cross the river near the small town. This was brutally dealt with by the Soviets and brushed away.

The Americans then recovered their engineers and pushed two companies to the far ends of the board, one to the south and one to the north, with engineer support to attempt crossings, both were ultimately successful but not without plenty of disruptions and demoralization.

Meanwhile at the bridge losses were piling up for the Soviets and ultimately groups of Americans were able to infiltrate across as the supporting forces for the Soviets were being decimated. A late attempt to reinforce the bridge by the Lt. Col. of the Guards and two HMGs came to nought as the American fire groups were able to demoralize the lot.

This is a brutal fistfight of a scenario but one that is balanced on a knife edge. It is well worth playing in any format. I give it a "4".

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