They Just Wouldn't Quit |
The Germans need to attack the British in St. Manvieu and control three of five possible hexes. To do this they have a mixed force of SS and Army Panzer troops with significant armor support. The British have the better part of two battalions and are well endowed with AT and armor support themselves. The British also have some air support and importantly a TON of artillery (the exact amount is dependent on die rolls but they have a lot of firepower in this one). The key for the Germans is to get close enough to the towns with an intact combined arms force to take the town hexes away from the British who will have substantial infantry numbers in those towns. Along the way it will be important for the Germans to eliminate the British armor to avoid close quarters AT gunnery. Their force is, however, loaded with 5 and 6 factor AT guns and the British can at best have a 3 armor defense factor (up to a 4 in town or dug in). In my play the Germans come down both roads with the SS on the northern road and 21st Panzer on the southern road. The SS are targeted first by the British who decimate them (4 infantry step losses and 3 tank steps). The 21st Panzer does a little better and is able to close in. During the second turn the 21st exacts some revenge for the German armor as it eliminates five steps of British armor. The Germans then try to dance around the falling artillery and whittle down the remaining British armor and finally on turn 6 enter three of the target hexes. After turn 1 I was ready to call this one for the British but with a never say stop attitude the Germans at least had a shot at it. In the end it wasn't much of a shot as the British were able to continue to funnel troops into the assault hexes and the Germans had no reserves. The final result was that the three hexes entered never completely resolved the assault but at game end all three situations greatly favored the British. A solid British victory and a fun scenario. I give it a "4". |