Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 5th:
Blackshirt Division #3 - By the Book Black Panthers #23 - Delay at Kamperbrűck
The lowly 81mm mortar makes the difference
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2012-08-12
Language English
Scenario DeRa038

Playing as part of the scenario of the month club, this scenario looked interesting and challenging for both sides. The Italians stuck on holding a hill with the Commonwealth forces attacking to force them off without taking to many casualties. The Commonwealth have a decent force to deal with the Italian and with supporting Valentines and OBA they should have been able to go into the attack with a decent chance. But Italian 81mm mortars had a different idea. But I get ahead of myself.

With just an infantry force to cover the whole hill, the Italians opt to dig in a hedgehog defense just to the east of the center of the hill. This would allow them to cover the approach of the Commonwealth forces as well as provide some room to maneuver late in the game to keep troops on the top of the hill. AA and HMGs positioned on the corners to provide the most DF on the advancing troops with AT's positioned in a triangle within the dugin INF's. The Valenatine's would have too much to worry about with them as they have the armor advantage, but it will give them something to think about when they get in close. INF's are positioned in front of all the supporting units to provide an initial break for the attack. A small reserve is kept with the three 81mm mortars in the center of the defense. Italian leaders are average to poor, with just one leader with mods.

For the Commonwealth advance they will come on from the south just to the left of center of the board. The bulk of the force will advance here, while the useless 2pdr's will enter in the south west corner and digin as not to give the Italian gunners any free targets. Once off the ACW's, the transports will join the main force for moving units. Commonwealth leaders are average to good, with a number of leadership mods.

There attack will start with an advance just out of range of the Italian support weapons, moving up the hill to the west and then advance down the ridge and assault the Italian defenses. Hopefully clearing them and taking the ridge.

The advance goes well for the first 8 turns with some harassing fire from the Italian OBA, but nothing more than disruptions that are easily worked off and the Commonwealth force makes it up the ridge. They form up for the assault and that's where it falls apart for them. The Italian 81mm mortars open fire on the leading Colonels command killing and step and destroying his command. Stunned by the lost the Commonwealth troops are now stuck within range of the Italian HMG's and AA guns. This fire disrupts and demoralizes some, but the 81mm mortars strike again at one of the leading Captains. Another step lost and the loss of command. At this point the Valentines advance to try to cover the broken attack. They are able to disrupt some of the machineguns but constant AT fire makes them nervous that a luck hit will take them out.

Meanwhile the Commonwealth infantry is trying to recover and get moving after the loss, but many early FoW rolls slow them down again. By mid game their losses are four steps and two key leaders. While the Italians have, at worst suffered a demoralization.

Regrouped the Commonwealths try again with a combine arms attack on bolstered west flank of the Italian defense. Support OBA for the Commonwealth soften up the Italians but not enough and the assault group bogs down in assaults. AT fire from the 47mm still hits the Valentines with no effect. Commonwealth OBA rains down on the AT guns taking out one, but the other gunners find their make and reduce a Valentine. But continuing to push the assaults the Commonwealth make progress. FoW continue to create short turns so many units are left unactivated. By turn 30 the Commonwealth are no where near getting the Italians down under six units as well as the Italian pulling some units back out of the fight to ensure that there will be some on the hill. The assaults grind on and by the end the Commonwealth has lost 12 steps and 4 leaders, while the Italians have lost 10 steps and only 4 units and 3 leaders.

As for impressions of the scenario, it is an interesting puzzle for the Italians and their setup. Staying together is important, but near the end the ability to pull a few units out can help with the VC's. In my game it really did not come to that as the Italian mortars were key to breaking the Commonwealth advance. For the Commonwealth, they have a tough task. There is a lot of Italians to kill and if FoW happens enough the 36 turns will seem like 12. The loss of the Commonwealth Colonel did not help either with two turns where the bulk of the force was under fire from the Italians without being able to move. The Valentines helped get the attack going again, but enough shots by the AT's will get a hit at some point.

As for some of the other stats mentioned in the forums:

Step Losses CW - 8 INF, 2 HMG, 1 Valentine, Colonal, Captian, LT, Subar Italian - 6 INF, 1 ATG, 2 HMG, Captaino, 2 Tenente

Commonwealth losses were reached on turn 32 and the Italians never went below 6.

FoW Stats 25 FoW turns 12 7 activations 5 8 activations 6 9 activations 1 12 activations 1 15 activations

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