Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Holding out at the Iron Line-South
Author TheDoctor
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2012-08-07
Language English
Scenario FaoF018

Setup-French: 0510- 45mmAPX, HMG, S-Lt. 0508, 0608- Two INF and a 25mm in each, with a LT. and Capt. in 0508, a LT. Col. in 0608. 0710- Two INF, HMG, a LT. 0711- 25mm, INF, HMG, Capt. and Lt. 0611- Two INF, 20mm, S-LT. 0612- Two INF, HMG, Lt. 0613- Two INF, 25mm, Capt. 0614- Two INF, HMG, Comm. 0615- Two INF, 75mm, Col. and Capt. 0616- Two INF, HMG, Comm. 0712- Two INF, S-LT. 0714- INF, HMG, LT. 0716- Two INF, SGT. 0813- Mortars, SGT. Minefields, a Decoy in 0511, a 1 in 0512, 2's in 0513, 0517, and a 3 in 0516. The German strategy was to break through in the center and N, and have ENG's clear the mines on the South before the reinforcements. The tanks would push forward, and any that were destroyed could be replaced with the reinforcements.

Turns 1-4- The Germans enter and move up to the French line. 2 AFV step losses are taken, and the German forces are slowed on the hill and in the S, where the ENG's are disrupted by OF. In the Center, the Germans move quickly, not as much effected by the OF. Artillery on both sides is inffective, as it will be throughout the game. The French are shaken, but still hold their ground.

Turns 5-8: The Germans capture the two 40 meter hill hexes by assault, forcing the French out with compound demoralizations. In the Center the French repulse the first line of Germans, and the mine fields keep the Germans from surrounding them. The ENG's are forced to retreat, and the PzIV is destroyed in an assault. Soon the French replace the two half stepped units in the middle, and are prepared for the second line of Germans, led by the first half of reinforcements, arriving on turn seven. The two S prongs in the town combine to attack the two hex wide gap in the mine fields. Artillery exchanges claim two steps losses on both sides.

Turns 9-12: More assaults in the town, with the second half of the German reinforcement coming on, but again the French repulse them, with amazing die rolls for them, and horrible die rolls for the Germans. The Germans take the town on the hill, but only after the 45APX retreats in the wagon. The French continue to pour down artillery, but little effect on the units in the town: the same with the German artillery.

Turns 13-20: In the Center, the Germans finally break through in the North of the two hex gap, but French reserves come up to stop them before they can get units through the opening, on turn 17, the French counterassault, and within two turns, push the Germans back. The ENG's try to clear mines again, but amazingly are stopped by the French ART. The German tank numbers have gone down due to assaults, and slowly the German force in the town loses steam. In the hill, the 45APX claims one last tank before German ART destroy it. The assaults on the sunken railroad begin, but French first fire claims more German step losses, forcing the German to reconsider trying to take the railroad. German ART does destroy the 20mm in the town.

Turns 21-24: In the final hour of the game, the French rally their troops and push back the scattered Germans further into the heart of the town, capturing three more town hexes. In the South the ENG's fail to clear any mines, and destroyed in the end by DF from adjacent French units. On the Iron Line in the North, the Germans win one assault, but the other two are lost, and the French make a quick effort to retake to hamlet on the hill, but run out of time. Soon the game is over and the French scored 11 more VP's than the Germans, due to the high number of tanks destroyed, and win the day.

2012-08-08 16:42

Thanks for taking the time to write this and it was very interesting to see the difference in ideas used for the Germans.

Contrary to your game, I approached the south of the Iron Line (where the French like yours had minefields), and spent time trying to winkle my way in there. The French OBA there (especially with an extra +1 col v minefields) really was a terror to get through. In the north I placed a nominal threat just to hold the Frenchies up there in place.

In the centre, I spent time wearing the French down with AFV DF fire, massed HMG fire, and then when enough DIS and DEM's were applied, I then rushed forward with the German infantry. Knowing full-well that these would still receive some fire, I made sure they were supported by decent leaders and also braved OBA with the thought that by rushing adjacent to weakened French lines, the French would risk a lot of friendly fire.

Once the assaults were joined it was a matter of keeping the tanks back (to avoid double point losses which in your game DID affect the result) UNTIL French AT was neutralised, then, when ready, I threw them in and with ENG and leaders, got the odd +3 assault mod to counter the -2 for town.

I notice your 47APX was a pain for the Germans as it was in ours.

Great scenario and from the combined results, looks extremely balanced as a game.

Other than that, enjoy the rest of your Summer Hols !

2012-08-09 00:45

I would second the comments above, in our game As Vince has said he held the tanks back and his ENG neutralized the minefields for his units to flank my southern line. Having said that I thought that I was unlucky in the first few turns as he moved forward not to get more DEM and Step loss results results. Its is a great scenario a bit of slug-fest though. FoF has many good scenario's in I also liked No 28 "They Shall Not Pass".

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