Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 31st:
An Army at Dawn #18 - Task Force Kern Africa Orientale Italiana #36 - Tanks on Gibraltar
An Army at Dawn #19 - Half Measures Africa Orientale Italiana #37 - Tank Battle at Agordat
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #17 - Task Force Kern Blue Division #20 - A Mi la Legion!
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #18 - Task Force Stark Conquest of Ethiopia #40 - The End of Ras Destà
Africa Orientale Italiana #34 - Tanks at Barentu Mouse That Roared #5 - Sacrifice at Paju
Cheux for tea
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2012-07-04
Language English
Scenario BeNo001

This went unexpectedly well for the British as they managed to turn both SS flanks early in the game. I chose to pull the SS back toward Cheux, but they proceeded to suffer heavy casualties in the process. British artillery was very effective at disrupting and demoralizing the SS which gave them more freedom to advance without fear of opp fire. The British were then well positioned to attack Cheux well before SS reinforcements began arriving. The SS ended with a strong counterattack gathering in the area to the southwest of Cheux.

I'm not a fan of all the special rules in these early BN scenarios. I'm thinking of scrapping the formation rules entirely since no other game uses them that I have seen. I'm willing to give up a bit of historicity in the interest of faster play.

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