Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
You're Welcome!
Author deleted
Method Solo
Victor Germany, Italy
Play Date 2012-04-16
Language English
Scenario AfKo022

You’re Welcome!

When the dust settled, the ditches mattered little.

As the morning opened, the Allies (Austalians) entrenched themselves no more than 2 units high and waited. All units got comfortable-until they saw the armor coming from the south. For 1 painful hour the tanks pounded the nearest entrenchment, petrifiying the leader and killing some HMG troops. The lone 2 pounder from a nearby entrenchment did not help that leader’s courage even after he joined them by fleeing. Sometimes the rolls go your way, but this time, all the rolls went to the German side. When the reinforcements showed up, the Allied offboard arty and the RAF joined in, but with very little effect. The Germans split their ranks with the HMG troops not wasting time by moving, instead just pounding the one stack they could reach, while the rest of the line plowed forward. Within an hour they had gone through the ditches and began assaulting the Aussies, who just could not roll to save their rear ends. The arty constistently either missed, or did morale damage only, with no losses and most troops recovering quickly. The Germans, meanwhile, rolled snake eyes not once but twice here and just mowed the defenses. I chose to finish the engagement, and the German troops eventually did fill in a ditch and moved the tanks through one by one while the troops finished their assaults.

As a newbie, I think all scenarios are fun, and this one is fine as well. It is again a really small scenario with a really big map, but it is a good exercise in close assault. I chose to run like heck to get in range and then exchange fire until one side started to bend, at which time I would change my strategy. Since the Germans never took much damage, I just kept firing. In addition, the off board arty and air cover is critical and in this case, missed almost every time. I did combine the arty (3 max and then the 2 left over), but if you keep rolling 7’s and 8’s, it matters little.

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