Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Better morale v. Better artillery
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-04-12
Language English
Scenario GofB021

The Nisei started off with a great plan. They would hold off the advancing German attack while they finished off the Germans who had infitrated onto Hill D. The used their I&R to find and pin the Germans and then moved some of their heavier weapons to knock them out. By turn 6 they had eliminated three of the four platoons that had made it to the hill and were sending troops to support the company they had left to delay the Germans.

The only problem is that while the Nisei were hitting the Germans the leaders had been spotting for a lot of very accurate artillery. By turn 6 the Nisei had lost 11 steps to the Germans 9, mostly through stunningly deadly artillery strikes. I mention accurate since both sides had 2-3 artillery strikes per turn and with the terrain most of this happened when it was possible to have friendly fire problems yet neither side had any instances of friendly fire.

By turn 6 the American major noted that his position on Hill D was already compromised and he did not have sufficient force to try a Hail Mary attack on the railroad embankment so he pulled his men back into Bruyeres while the Germans recovered morale etc. The Germans were already beginning to lap around his right flank and the mortars back in Bruyeres had no infantry protection from this advance.

While the Nisei had the better morale and had a workable plan the casualties that they experienced while conducting it were just too much to permit them a shot at winning the scenario. It was a good and intricate scenario. The Germans did have to run across some open ground which gives the Nisei a chance to take advantage of the Germans lower morale through artillery and direct fire but once they got close and the German artillery teed off there just wasn't anything left to do. I give it a "4" due to the troubling situation facing the Nisei and the need to try to accomplish a lot quickly before the strength of the advancing Germans can be brought to bear. I do not feel that the German win is at all inevitable.

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