Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 3rd:
Lost Battalion #2 - Battle of Leuwiliang, The 2nd Day
Beyond Normandy, scenario #15: Capture of Hill 112
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-03-01
Language English
Scenario BeNo015

I played another scenario from Beyond Normandy tonight and I really enjoy playing BN and it has a lot more scenarios on my radar but for now I went with a pretty small one in terms of BN anyway. Nine turns, one map, smoke, lots of armor on both sides, Infantry only on the British side with the Germans only having a LT & 88mm AT Gun as personnel units. Tons of Off-Board Artillery and the victory hex, hex 0827/Hill 112 or having units within three hexes of it and if both sides had units within three hexes of it, the side that eliminated the most enemy units wins and only the German loses count double, which will help off- set the British armor loses to the German.

The British win the first two initiatives, applying smoke and closing with the German 88mm Gun and the victory hex. The Germans follow suit with their Armor. The shootout was brutal but the British took out the German 88mm gun after the OBA smashed it. Both sides traded armor. The British controlled the victory hex area but the last step of German Panther tanks recovered on the second to last turn and rolled into the same area, so the tie breaker was now on step eliminated and the Germans counting double. But still the British lost 21 points in steps compared to the Germans 18 points in steps. A narrow German victory! This was a fun scenario.

I took some advice on other AARs and use a leader counter for both sides, just to run around and spot for OBA. It proved to be helpful.

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