Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Bardia Breakin II
Author enrique
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2010-06-10
Language English
Scenario AfKo004

In this scenario Australian forces must break the Italian line of defense and occupy a zone in the rear of Italian positions. The battle takes place in a great space of land (2 maps) and with a lot of participants. Italian units: 40 platoons of INF, HMG and ENG, on and off-board artillery, mortars and 5 tank platoons (M11/39 and L3/35). The Australians have near 40 platoons of INF, HMG and ENG, mortars, 1 battery of 2-lbr, BREN, 2 "Matilda" tank platoons and a powerful off-board artillery. The game lasts 36 turns. The Italians win if they destroy 16 or more Australian steps. The Australians win if they occupy certain number of Italian trenches and an objective behind the Italian lines.

The Italians are unfolded behind an AT ditch and 15 hexes with trenches. In this scenario is applied a special rule about "Surrender", but only for Italian units.

0530-0630: The Australians advance to Italian positions. They go preceded by the fire of the OBA. This fire demoralizes and disrupts some Italian units in the trenches. On the other hand, the Italian OBA shoots on the Australian units that advance in open field. 3 Australian steps are eliminated. The Australians dig in.

0630-0645: Direct hit of Australian OBA in an Italian trench. Two Italian steps are destroyed and other demoralized. Australians advance fearlessness in the central sector of the front.

0645-0700: An Italian unit surrenders in the face of several Australian platoons. Falls the first Italian entrenched hex. The Italian line is broken in one point, in central sector.

0700-0715: Australian engineers open a passage through the AT ditch (hex 1122). The Italian line is broken for vehicles as well.

0715-0730. Assault on another Italian trench in the central sector. A 47 mm Italian battery is destroyed and a Maggiore captured.

0730-0745: The Italian OBA destroys 2 steps of Australian HMG. The British tank platoons ("Matilda") cross the filled AT ditch and pierce the Italian line in the central sector.

0815-083: Three Italian units surrender to a platoon of "Matilda". The Australians occupy a new entrenched hex. The fight is intense, specially in the central sector. In the south sector there are only skirmishes. In the north sector Australians units advance towards Italian positions preceded by mortar fire.

0845-0900: Australian OBA destroys the last Italian AT gun that was entrenched in the South zone of the defensive line.

0900-0915: The entrenched hex 1319 surrenders to the Australians. It was assaulted by infantry and adjacent to a "Matilda" platoon. Nevertheless, the Italians respond. This hex lately occupied and crowded with Australian infantry is bombed by Italian OBA and mortars. The Australians lose 1 step and the surviving units are demoralized.

1000-1015: The Italian OBA destroys 1 step of Australian infantry adjacent to entrenched hex 1517. However, a platoon of "Matilda" surrenders this Italian position shortly after.

1015-1030: The Italian forces of reserve (in map 2) begin to unfold.

1045-1100: Strong Australian attacks in the North zone of the Italian defensive line. Australian OBA beats first enemy trenches before the assault. The Italians respond with their OBA and Opp. Fire. Losses in both sides. First Australians assaults in that zone.

1100-1115: Another Italian unit surrenders. Italian OBA shoots against Australian units adjacent to entrenched hex 1509 and causes some losses, but the "friendly fire" demoralizes an Italian unit as well. Situation at this moment: It is hard for the Aussies. There is a lot of Australian units scattered on the map, disrupted and demoralized. The advance is very slow. The Fog of War rule makes dificult the reorganization of the troops. The Italian defensive line is long, very long (35 hexes, 7 kilometers). The Australian can not break the front at one point and march quickly towards the objective. They must conquer 10 (all in all: 15) entrenched hexes scattered along 7 kilometers to win. The Australian have 4 BREN carriers, but they are waiting the destruction of 2 Italian AT batteries (65 mm) in the hill of map 1 to advance, but the Australian infantry is disrupted and can not destroy these batteries for the moment. They have only 2 slow "Matilda" platoons tanks to support the infantry along all the line. The Australian attack is slow and bad coordinated.

1115-1130: Australians begin to assault hex 1509, that finally is occupied. The Italian survivors flee.

1130-1145: Entrenched hex 1513 surrenders to an Australian infantry unit (4 Italian steps and 1 Tenente lost). A little Australian success, but the Italian resistance persist in other positions. The Italian positions are occupied one by one. This battle is a race against the clock for the Australians.

1145-1200: In the North sector of the line, the Australians assault the last entrenched hexes, but they undergo some losses by Opp. Fire. The map is a chessboard of red and black squares. The battle is chaotic.

1215-1230 Australian OBA bombs entrenched hex 1506. It destroys an Italian battery of 47 mm, but "friendly fire" destroys an attacking unit as well. Simultaneously, in entrenched hex 1504 Italian units surrenders in the face of enemy assault.

1230-1245: Entrenched hex 1506, that was assaulted by Australian infantry, surrenders because of the presence of a "Matilda" tank platoon. Australian OBA beats the only entrenched hex in Italian hands in the North zone. A 47 mm battery and 1 step of Italian INF are destroyed.

1245-1300: Italian OBA bombs to the units that approach to the last hex with trenches in the North zone. An Australian INF platoon is annihilated and the attack is desorganized.

1300-1315: The Australian OBA beats again the last entrenched hex in the North zone. The surviving Italian unit becomes demoralized and flees. Australians occupy the hex (1502). The Australians have been able to occupy all hexes they had to conquer in the initial objective. The Italian OBA responds beating the Australian units that have penetrated by the breaches and approach map 2. New Australian losses. New attacks disrupted. There are not Australian reinforcements. The Australian impulse is exhausted. On the other hand, the Italians have some fresh troops in map 2 waiting enemy attack and some units ejected from entrenched hexes are slowly reorganizing and establishing resistance pockets.

1315-1330: Italian OBA continues beating Australian forces that approach map 2. A complete platoon of Australian INF is destroyed. The Italian OBA is a nightmare for Australians units and leaders. Only 4 turns to finish the game. The Australians can not win. They have lost more than 16 steps and their objective is too far. The Australians retire. Italian victory. Australian losses (steps): 23. Italian losses: 39. Conclusion: Artillery is an awful arm. The war is chaos.

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