Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Numbers and Élan
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor France
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2011-12-20
Language English
Scenario FaoF022

Another good Skype match with Wayne Baumber, who as the French Moroccans had a very good day defeating the invading Germans. As the Germans I had a tough time, some of my own bringing some of the scenario itself. First the Germans and outnumbered a little more than 3:2 with troops, but the Germans are of better quality, or at least that is what I thought until some of the morale checks. Germans have the armor advantage, while the French have the OBA edge. Leaders were slightly better for the French. As for the setup both sides get to setup on boards, but the Germans control the most of it an the majority of the French must enter turn 1. The one odd item is the French get aircraft, but the scenario conclusion describes German aircraft as well as the French receiving AA support, but the Germans do not. Slightly odd, but given the quality of the aircraft I though not to be a issue. Finally the French have the edge with the victory conditions with just needing to eliminate units while the Germans must take ground and inflict more casualties. One interesting point is the board is created by using half's of two boards, a very unique way of creating boards. Also there is a road that is a railroad extending across the road that extends north and south.

The German setup for one group is around the town on board 32 east of the railway as well as the town on board 31. There main goal will be to try to move toward the towns and woods west of the railroad and capture them before the Moroccans get there, but can they hold will be the issue. The lone French force block the western road awaiting the reinforcements. Turn 1 has the Germans moving up to take the small towns on the north of board 32 and possibly challengege the roadblock. To the south the Germans advance to the small town on the hill to try to establish themselves before the French can attack. The French advance slowly onto the board both board 32 and the small hill on the south of 31. OBA cause the first step losses to the French but they respond and double demoralize a German unit. Heavy fighting breaks out on the small hill on the south of board 31. The Germans push for the slopes but the French keep up heavy fire from the hill. Several German units break and fall back to the town. It would see-saw back and forth on the hill slopes, but the French hold. To the south the French slowly and steadily advance and overwhelm the advance German units. Failing morale checks and routs forces the Germans back and the units the do stand, become isolated and eventually fall to assaults. Eventually the German left collapses and the units find themselves back into the town. Morale was bad on the German side with many units breaking of the first shots and then flee when recovery attempts are made. One bright spot was the German OBA that hit the Colonel destroying his HQ. This briefly stun Moroccan lines and the Germans were able stabilize for a bit.

In the end the overstretched German lines and failing morale did in the Germans as the French numbers could not be matched and the French took a major victroy. As the conclusion states if there were more actions like this the French would have had a better time in the sring of '41.

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