Author |
(Germany) |
Method |
Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat |
Victor |
Britain |
Participants |
captwoosey |
Play Date |
2011-12-04 |
Language |
English |
Scenario |
This was my second Skype game against newcomer Joseph Ladd. He had chosen this scenario as a into tank v tank action and also his first game in the hedgerows of Normandy.
This is a small scenario with a single German 88 supported by Panther's and PsIV's against a mixed arms of Brits who have to take the hill. The game started well for the Brits with the 88 missing two shots one of which was very easy and then taking the 88 out with Sherman DF.
However while the Shermans were celebrating that victory the German commander had moved the Panthers up to a strong position behind hedgerows, the following turn saw 20 Shermans destroyed by accurate AT fire, and the battle swung in favour of the SS.
The next few turns saw the British infantry steadily advance onto the hill with the remaining tanks sweep around the German right flank in an attempt to get some cross fire shots. The German commander who was now feeling over confident ignored the tanks and tried to disrupt the advance, this was an error as the brave riflemen refused to flinch but more importantly a Firefly got one of the Panther in his sight and took out a step.
This caused the German commander to make another error and retreat of the hill. The plan was to avoid combat and then rush back onto the hill on the final turn and claim victory by steps losses. Meanwhile the Brits had captured the German artillery observer and Hill 112. What followed was a travesty as British artillery pummeled the one surviving stack of good order Panthers and PzIV,s. This caused a morale check on those tankers who with a morale of 9 surely would be fine. Rolls of 10 10 11 followed disrupting every unit in the stack and with one turn left no chance to recover in time and move back onto the hill. Game over.
Congratulations to Joseph who passed his personal morale check on GT3 when all seemed lost and kept on persevering with his attack plan.
This is a smashing little scenario, offering a quick but subtle game with chances for both sides to win. Recommended