Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Poorly Thought Out VC's Hinder This Scenario (Or play it against a novice)
Author vince hughes (Italy)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2011-07-06
Language English
Scenario AfKo015

Played this one over Skype with Wayne Baumber.

This pits a lowish moraled and surrender prone Italian force against a mobile British force of armoured cars and mainly weak MG wielding tanks. What COULD have been an interesting scenario though has been made lame with VC's for both sides that basically, in any 2 player game would frighten any would be attacker as the chances of a loss as the attacker far outweigh any chance of a win. As the details of scenario VC's can not be discussed on this site, all I will say that some kind of proviso should be entered along the lines that one or the other side should have been allowed to absorb more step losses before victory could be claimed by the other side.

In a solo-player game, the player may well be happy to get both sides to just blithely advance to contact and have a shoot-em up, but when two players are pitted against each other, then its not so clever to non-sensically advance to your defeat KNOWING FULL WELL ITS GONNA HAPPEN.

The reinforcements are very limited too. In our game, Wayne threw a 6 straight away and thus got them on turn 9 of 20. Even with that, their impact was limited due to the time of travel needed to get to the battle area. Personally, I think the British should be allowed to enter on turn 9 and not be diced for. Meanwhile, the Italians must simply set up in a hedge-hog compact formation and wait for the British advance before blasting at the thinly covered armoured skins with his artillery.

In the end, The Brits waited till they had all their forces available and tried a nibble here and there. The result of this was a mildly entertaining final 5 turns where the British lost a Rolls-Royce Armoured Car step and the Italians lost a step of L3/35's and the miserably cowardly 77mm gun crew pelting off the battlefield as fast as they could.

Neither side attained their VC's, though I guess the Italians probably came closest when needing a 11 for a 2 step hit on an A/C with AT fire, they rolled a 10 ... Oooh, so close.

In the end, a not very surprising DRAW

Rating for this. It was looking like a '1' for the first 15 turns due to the ill thought out VC's and complete lack of meaningful action. However, the interest raised in the last 5 turns added an extra point leaving me to rate it a 'just about a 2'.

I'd recommend bringing on the British reinforcements on turn 9 without any dice rolling and adding 3 step losses and 2 step losses allowed extra to the Italians and British respectively.

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