Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Night Murder (solo)
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-06-25
Language English
Scenario BlSS030

As the SS had drawn a 9-2-1 leader, set up included units to the NE of the cross-roads as well as due north near the one town hex. The German idea was go envelop the dug-in US HMG/ldr in the crossroads (a VC hex) with combined DF to soften up prior to assault. Other US units were dug-in on the hill (the other VC). One German gren was kept in the town to prevent the US from sending a lone INF from the hill northwards to secure that VC (it wouldn't do to take the crossroads and the hill only to lose because of this backhanded VC).

Plans never survive first contact with the enemy: the first two OF rolls by the HMG (with a 10-1-1 lieutenant) were a '10' and a '4' (both on the 22 col as +3-1 col shifts for OF+range+night). This and the subsequent failed MCs left this German stack in tatters. As the US "saw" the Frundsburg units approach from the NE, one of the INF platoons moved forward adjacent to the HMG for support, leaving two other INF platoons to hold the hill.

Turn 2: US HMG+ldr rolls a '2' on the 16-col: kills a leader and the half-step Gren in that hex. Remaining SS Gren move adj to this buzzsaw of destruction.

Turns 3&4: Mutually assured destruction: Germans assault the INF/ldr than had advanced up to assist the HMG ... a '2' assault result by the Germans eliminated the INF and killed the lone leader upon the free shot as he had to exit. The US return fire though resulted in morale failurs; the US HMG then continued its carnage by killing a German Gren via compound demoralization (rolled a '10'). 4:2 Germ:US step loses

Turn 5: SS Gren + ldr in desperation (having seen their neighbors mostly dead beside them or fled into the night) assault the HMG - amazingly, the survive the first fire in good order and kill a step of the HMG. 4:3

Turn 6: fizz on the assault and DEM units flee and/or attempt to recover morale.

Turn 7: The Germans manage again to survive first fire with sufficient force to kill the last HMG (and the leader too by the free shot).

Game Ends: With two turns remaining and two separated US INF platoons holding the hill, no possibility for the SS to reduce both. US owns the night.

German losses: four step losses. one full-strength Gren and one half-step DEM; one half-step DIS.

US losses: four step loses (the HMG and one INF). Other two INF full str and good order.

The HMG unit's rolls made all the difference; that, and I didn't get all of the German units adjacent to it on the first turn (the US moving that INF unit forward - though it was sacrificed - gave the HMG a longer life to inflict simply too much damage onto the attacking German force.

An interesting and violent short scenario. At first I thought the set up instructions were wrong as the town hex was under German control; but, as I set it up, I realized that this hex as a VC meant the Germans could not simply go all out at the US, they had to hold something there in the town or advance on a broad front to prevent a US infiltration.

The mortar was useless. With US units dug-in and a night turn, the 8-10 mortar was attacking on the 3-col. With only a 2/36 chance of inflicting an 'M' result, the odds were greater (1/6) of inflicting a friendly fire attack.

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