Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Italian guns slow the Aussies
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2011-06-03
Language English
Scenario AfKo004

Bardia Breakin II is better that the first one, but it still needs some help with the victory conditions. As written, the Aussies need to capture 10 dispersed entrenchments as well as race across a second board and clear out 36 hexes of Italians, without losing more than 13 steps. Quite a tall order for the Aussies. Given that the Italians have 2 groups of 30 OBA, all they need to do is keep taking pot shots at the Aussies and they will get rack up the steps. They can also dig in troops around the second Aussie objective and sit and wait. To make this a little more interesting and get the Italians moving a bit more I changed the VC's slightly.

The VC's I used still had the Aussies VC, but each one was a separate objective. It they captured both, a major victory, only one a minor victory. The Italians still need to kill 14 steps for a minor victory and 28 steps for a major victory. If both achieve the same level then a draw.

So given this change I played my solo game. The Aussies started by moving to assault the Italian trench line and try to get a breach to move units in and beyond. The Italian artillery was right on target in this game. Of the 23 step losses for the Aussies 15 were by OBA fire. The Aussies did breach the line, thanks to the surrender rule they were able to divide into two groups to roll up the line and a third group with the armor moved to attack the second objective. The Italian fire continue to b good with several INF units providing some surprising accurate OP and DF fire. Aussie OBA pounded the entrenchments and they soon began to surrender. Several held out and needed to be assaulted. In bloody fights the Aussie's gained the required 10 entrenchments. The fight for the 36 hexes was a different story. Italian OBA pounded the advancing troops disrupted/demoralizing many of them. The British Matilda's destroyed the L35 and the M13's in brief fights which the Italian armor had no chance of winning. But this cost time and the Italians in the 36 hexes dodged and weaved to keep them occupied. This cause the Aussies to only gain a minor victory and with the Italian minor victory for the 23 Aussie/British steps. In the end a draw.

As I stated, a good scenario but chance the VC's for a better fight.

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