Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 5th:
Blackshirt Division #3 - By the Book Black Panthers #23 - Delay at Kamperbrűck
Desert Rats, scenario #41: Rugbet el Hagina
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany, Italy
Play Date 2011-05-19
Language English
Scenario DeRa041

I like scenarios from Desert Rats but I neglect them because many require two maps and I don’t always have the playing space available. This scenario looked very interesting but I did have to borrow three British trucks from another game to complete the setup.

The Germans can pretty much control this scenario, at least in my game play, as their PzIIIJ, 88mm, 50mm & the Italian 90mm pretty much have range on the British Crusader I, Stuart & 2-pdr AT guns with their small 2-6 & 2-5 AT values. Once the British Armor is subdued there is too much battlefield for the British Infantry to prevent ten steps of German units from exiting the map and trying to knockout 8 Germans steps as well. The Germans also have 2 x16 off board artillery, one aircraft every turn which can easily take out the British only long distance firing unit, the 2 x 3-inch. The Italians units weren’t even really needed, even though they did come on the map. The end was a clear German victory. Maybe I just don’t know how to play the British in this scenario.

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