Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Not Even at Night
Author PG-Tank Dude
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-04-23
Language English
Scenario BlSS002

A quick night time scenario with low counter count.

Turns: 12 (starting at 2245hr)

Victory Conditions: American - Kill Germans, Maintain control of Town hex's Germans - Kill Americans, Gain control of Town hex's

Set-up: Americans set-up strong defensive positions in the small towns with a few units digging in to inhibit flanking from the Germans. Germans use the road for their slower units, HMG's and Mortars, to get close to towns quickly.

Turns 1-3: No American units are moved. Germans advance on the Central towns undercover of darkness.

Turns 4-6: Germans take heavy Op-fire trying to get adjacent to the towns, with units that are not lost becoming disrupted and demoralized. They have better luck getting up to the Dug-in positions but falter in their assaults due to becoming demoralized from 1st fire.

Turns 7-9: With the Germans otherwise engaged on the Eastern edge of the town in assaults and recovery attempts, the Americans to the West begin to move towards the fighting. The Germans up to this point have made minimal gains, destroying the AT Gun and a couple steps of INF, while losing one steps worth of their Stugs in an assault from INF Anti-Tank weapons and then from compound morale failure. Turn 9 sees the Americans beginning to make a concerted effort to eliminate the remaining Germans ability to assault by keeping them scattered, disrupted and demoralized and sustaining several step losses.

Turns 10-12: The Germans are able to mount one more assault just outside of town, which only gained them a few step losses against the American INF after a German OBA gained a step loss and a demoralization.

Americans easily win a Major victory with 8 step losses to the Germans 33.

Conclusion: With the extremely low morale set for the Germans, this was a tuff fight for them to even make it a draw. The SS Hpstfr with his +2 morale bonus did his best to keep his troops in the fight, but with step losses abundant, rolling a 6 or less became problematical. The towns were never in any danger or even fought in. The 2 Stugs were knocked out by mid-game, one lost and the other failing to ever recover from demoralization. A 2 out of 5. The low starting morale for the Germans pretty much ends the game before it can even get started.

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