Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
When Stugs ruled the Earth
Author PG-Tank Dude
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-03-30
Language English
Scenario BlSS001

Black SS #1 Meet Maurice Rose

Turns: 18 (starting at 0645hr)

Victory Conditions: American - Kill Germans, Maintain control of Town hex's Germans - Kill Americans, Gain control of Town hex's

Set-up: Stacks and stacks of SS Troops, along with their armor units, and Luftwaffe Paratroopers mass on the Eastern edge in preparation to roll over the handful of 101st Paratroopers along with some armor. The Screaming Eagles hold the towns, but for how long?

Turns 1 & 2: The SS and Luftwaffe move forward. They intend to quickly envelope the town to keep any reinforcements from aiding the Airborne units inside. German OBA draws first blood, destroying an AT-Gun and half an HMG unit. Airborne retaliates by demoralizing some SS Tank Riders. The SS, maneuvering around the edges of town, while the Luftwaffe make their way towards the town with their ENG and FLM units. A Stug IV targets and destroys 4 steps worth of M5's and the Airborne obtains two step losses against the German Paratroops.

Turns 3 & 4: Town assaults begin with numerous casualties on both sides. Airborne troops are able to regain a town hex with the help of their own ENG's. SS troops and tanks easily gain control of the hill Southeast of town as they race towards the town further east. Germans are at 14 step losses to the Allies 17.

Turn 5: The first turn to roll for Allied reinforcements and a 6 is rolled. Over a dozen M4's rumble their way on board with several truckloads of support troops. The LW 75/41 is able to take out a step of M5's and a pair of Stugs rollover a pair of mortar units. Germans are still at 14 to 21 Steps lost.

Turns 6 - 13: The last of the M5's is destroyed by the LW 75/41 and a pair of Stugs roll into the small town on the South edge of town, destroying 2 more mortar units. Several assaults are going on in town while the remaining Stugs get ready for the armor battle. By end of Turn 11, 4 steps worth of Stugs are ablaze (2 from INF assault) to 17 steps worth of M4's and M10's. Those Stugs were opening up the allied tanks like Pepsi cans! German step losses at 47 to 75.

Turns 14 - 17: The Allied reinforcements realize they are not going to get to the main town with any significant force, so opt to throw everything they have left at the two smaller towns. With the 2 Stugs and a LW unit wreaking havoc from the Southern town beside the hill, nothing is strong enough to get the upper hand, and 2 more steps of M4's get their tops popped! The smaller town to the North is ablaze with assaults inside and outside of town, with neither side getting the upper hand. Germans step losses at 64 to 99.

Turn 18: The final assault on the Southern town manages to destroy a Stug with Infantry Anti-Tank Weapons. Too little too late, with all the allied troops involved in that assault becoming demoralized or disrupted. The Germans attempt to dislodge the two remaining half-steps of Airborne troops from the large town which they started Turn 1 in, but are unable to do so. Germans step losses at 70 to 106.

Victory Points: Allies get 25 points for no Germans in town hex's on board 32 and +2 points per town hex they control on board 31. Germans get +3 per town hex's under their control on board 31.

Total Victory Points: Germans at 118vp's Allies at 97vp's = German Minor Victory.

Conclusion: I'm going to have to give this a 1 out of 5 for Solo play because its such a narrow playing field and 210 counters (not counting DEM & DIS). If the 3 maps were setup widthwise instead of lengthwise, a more intelligent battle may be attained. With the Allied reinforcements coming on board at the first opportunity guaranteed that the majority of the battle would be fought on the Western half of Board 31. So half of a 11x17 map board and 200+ counters, it got a little tedious. Counter Towers were abundant. If the Allied Reinforcements were delayed at least two more turns, the battlefield would have elongated to include map 32 and a more satisfying scenario.

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