Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 3rd:
Lost Battalion #2 - Battle of Leuwiliang, The 2nd Day
Fire And Sword, scenario #20: Death of Heroes
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2025-03-03
Language English
Scenario FiSw020

Fire And Sword, scenario #20: Death of Heroes

An interesting scenario, where the Soviets have three victory objectives to try to achieve with three levels of victory or defeat and played over three maps lengthwise. The Germans and Hungarians have an odd mix of units to try and slow the Russians down but the AA Guns and Anti-Tanks Guns are the most important and air-support as well.

The Russians ended up fighting it out on map 50 and 54 first before their finally exit points on map 53 with even heavier fighting and that German 88mm anti-tank gun destroying my plans for one of the victory objectives of giving the Axis more casualties then they received. The German air force didn’t help as well. The casualties were even 17 to 17. But with that said, the Russians did get their other two victory objectives, exiting 25 steps off the west edges of map 53, but only after overcoming the dreaded 88mm gun and they eliminated both the German anti-aircraft guns for two out of three victory objectives for a minor Soviet Victory.

Fun scenario, as I had my doubts playing both sides if either would win. I can see a lot of different outcome.

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