Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 17th:
Africa Orientale Italiana #6 - The Wells of El Yibo Mouse That Roared #4 - Cut Off!
Jungle Fighting #25 - Mt. Austin VII North Wind #10 - Hellcats Boxed
A lot of effort.
Author Grognard Gunny (Germany)
Victor Poland
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2025-01-17
Language English
Scenario DelP004

In this one the Germans were pitting PzIs and IIs against some pretty good AT guns. The poles had the best of it and shot the heck out of the Germans. It was supposed to go against the Germans.... and it did. (Note - This one is best suited for Solo play. This was the first scenario in which the defenders had their units hidden from view, made it a bit more interesting overall.)

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