Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 29th:
Africa Orientale Italiana #33 - North of Barentu Edelweiss #23 - Himmler's Sword
Africa Orientale Italiana #35 - Rocks of Gibraltar Edelweiss IV #38 - Himmler's Sword
Cassino '44 #5 - The 168th Goes In Edelweiss: Expanded #30 - Himmler's Sword
Another town fight!
Author Grognard Gunny
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2024-03-14
Language English
Scenario LCDT005

This was a rather lackluster scenario ending up with an exciting (?) town fight. Once the French got themselves equally distributed in the town hexes they were relatively impregnable. It was redeeming in that it offered me the opportunity to practice my playing skills on the computer.

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