Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Not the most promising scenario title for the Spanish.
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2010-12-21
Language English
Scenario BluD007

Note: Score will be denoted by (x-y), where x=Soviet casualties, y=Spanish casualties.


Spanish and Germans wait the oncoming Soviets. Spanish are in “West town” while Germans and mortar crews are in “East town”. Soviet forces advance from both sides with the Soviet armour approaching from the east. The tanks arrive first and stop 300m east of East town. They begin to fire and the first Germans are disrupted

It takes another 45 minutes for the Soviets to reach the towns through the deep snow and they are greeted by Spanish and German bullets!

Soviets advance to the towns’ edges and lose their first casualties in the west. Spanish and Germans open fire with the initiative and the Soviets take heavy casualties.

In the east the Soviet SGT dies to HMG fire. In the West, the Soviets move to surround West Town as the Spanish are locked in close assault. (7-0)

East Town is hit hard and the depleted Germans are demoralised and retreat as the Soviets enter the town. But they still haven’t lost any steps. (8-0)

Soviets are making headway, but in the cold conditions their demoralized troops are having a hard time recovering! They assault the axis mortars. The German mortar teams flee out of east town and are hit by Soviet 82mm. The first German casualties! (8-1, turn 14)

Soviets begin to rally in the east and refresh their attack on east town. More German infantry flees into the woods north of east town.

Spanish Ski teams in the west need to break out as east town is falling. They initiate assault and Soviets lose half a platoon, but there are too many Soviet reinforcements! (9-1)

In east town the German infantry guarding the Spanish mortars are eliminated. In a pivotal turning point, Soviet T-34s eliminate half the German HMG platoon with direct fire. East Town is in dire trouble as the demoralised German HMG flees into the woods. Soviet armour moves against west town. (9-3)

In west town, Soviets suffer more casualties. (11-3)

Final 45 minutes Sees the Soviets chase the demoralised Germans into the woods with their assault company (Captain 10-1-1, HMG, SMG and INF). They manage to eliminate all the fleeing Germans with the help of some artillery.

The final sector of east town falls under Soviet control as the Spanish 81mm is eliminated and the sledges and German Lt are captured.

Spanish launch a desperate counter-assault in west town to regain control. They eliminate two more Soviet steps, but the Soviets have ample reinforcements. (13-7)

In the final minutes of the battle the Spanish HMG platoon flees the town.



This battle was almost a draw. Soviets had a hard time inflicting their required casualties (5) and capturing the (4) town hexes. The lucky armour attack against the German HMG was a turning point, allowing the Soviets to take full control of East Town and also inflict enough casualties.

The Spanish achieved their required 12+ casualties, but failed to keep control of at least one town sector.

Scenario Rating: 3/5. Similar to Scenario 6, this was also a quick battle with some interesting elements.

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