Hold Until Relieved! | ||||||||||||||
This was a fun-filled, 3-session play-through, with me playing the doomed elements of Combat Command B of the green & untested US 1st Armored Division. The indefatigable and daring, Sagunto led a mixed-branch German battle group with both paratroopers and mobile elements of the 190th Panzer Battalion. The Jerries’ mission was to inflict casualties and exit the battle map. Both sides drew decent leaders. We played with the FOW, consolidation, smoke/illum, extended assault, tank riders and excess initiative optional rules. In addition, we experimentally used the following 4 house rules: 1) Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units, 2) Standardized Movement for Mechanized Units All mechanized units may move through clear hexes at a movement cost of only 1 movement point (MP) per hex, instead of 1 1/2. Add one to this cost if moving up or down slopes hexes, 3) Dug In Units in Hill slopes are Automatically in Limiting Terrain in Desert Games Unless prohibited by special scenario rules, ALL units that are dug-in on slope hexes are considered to be in limiting terrain and are spotted if enemy units approach to within 3 hexes, or 4 hexes for reconnaissance units – – unless they are marked with a spotted marker, see 8.22, and 4) Tank Leader Forward Observation Efficient tank leaders (full strength only) may spot for ALL artillery & air strikes in accordance with the normal spotting rules (8.0, page 19). Just as in the case of leader units spotting, this action does not require an activation. Nonefficient tank leaders may also attempt to spot for ON BOARD ARTILLERY ONLY by throwing a single die per attempt to spot a target. This action does require an activation. They spot the intended target on a die roll of 4-6. The initial session (game turn 1) featured surprisingly accurate (lucky) long-range America AT fire on Map 79 that eliminated a paratroop HMG platoon in their motor transport, along with the lone Luftwaffe leader. In a subsequent German activation, the same thing happened on the north margin of Map 78, when another paratrooper platoon in trucks was hit with long-range AT fire, although no leader was lost in this incident. The Germans remorselessly continued moving south and onto the large 40-meter hill mass north of Chouigui. US tanks scuttled to more sheltered positions in the margins of the large hill mass. The second session (game turns 2-3) consisted a continued German movement-to-contact and the exchange of multiple long-range AT fire attempts. The Germans drew first blood in this session by the elimination a step of US SPAT guns and 2 more of M-3 Stuart tanks. One of the latter was destroyed in a close assault on the large hill mass north of Chouigui. The updated victory point tally was now nearly tied at: 5 for the advancing Germans and 6. for the slowly withdrawing American force. The very costly final session (game turns 4-14) featured a great deal of mostly ineffective long-range AT fire as the Germans relentlessly pushed south and the Americans gave ground, while seeking to setup crossfire shots in hopes of slowing the wave of approaching panzers. The Axis side chose to continue a strong left flank attack, coupled with a weaker right flank approach. US casualties mounted rapidly after game turn 8, when the Germans closed to decisive engagement range. The first Axis units exited the south edge of the battle map during turn 10. In the end, only 3 steps of Germans tanks were lost, thanks primarily to adroit maneuvering by my quick-thinking opponent. There were burning Stuart light thanks throughout the map, as the last Jerry units exited on game turn 14. The final victory point tally was: 42 for the victorious Germans and 26 for the hapless US side. There is little chance for the Americans to prevail in this scenario, so I recommend it for SOLO play only, and give it a generous rating of 3. It did feature a good deal of tactical maneuver and many decision points for both players. |