Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Tank Battles #24
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2023-01-20
Language English
Scenario TaBa024

This is a short one that gets right into the action with units starting potentially adjacent to each other. A small recon force of Germans are up against a moderate combined arms Soviet force and really look to be fighting for the draw. The Germans can withdraw themselves, and head south off the board, which would result in a quick Soviet Minor Victory, and looking at the force matchup, this honestly is probably their best outcome.

I didn't as I figured they should try to achieve their required 7! step losses before fleeing. There probably is some meta decision here about only leaving enough of the force in the town to try for the 7 step losses, while fleeing off the map with the most brittle SPWs on turn 1 but I don't have a firm feeling on that.

Anyway, the Germans set out an infantry screen within the northern border of the town, and the rest file in behind and out of LOS of the BA-10ms and T34s, hoping to stay alive long enough to do something. The Soviet SMGs stack x3 with hopes to assault turn 1, while the armor sweeps west, and the BAs sweep east to contain the 222s which otherwise could strike at the Soviet motor pool (likely 4 of the 7 steps if the Germans ever win or draw this one).

Soviets win init, and assault on turn 1 causing as step loss and the German defense goes downhill from here. The tanks complete their sweep and enter the town and start dispatching the SPWs while the PZIIIfs make a suicide charge into assault to tie up the T34s while the rest fire at the SMGs while they are out of assault, having cleaned up the half step surviviing Germans on turn 2.

From here they just knock out SPWs each turn till they are gone and the Germans fold up.

No real chance for the Germans that I can see unless I'm missing some magic factor in the VCs. Recon stuff in PZG is just too brittle to get much done.

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