Panzer Grenadier Battles on February 1st:
An Army at Dawn #20 - A Stronger Effort Africa Orientale Italiana #38 - Roadblock in Dongolaas Gorge
An Army at Dawn #21 - Back to Sened Station Road to Berlin #25 - Fritz's Heirs
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #19 - Renewed Effort Road to Berlin #26 - Ad Hoc
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #20 - Return to Sened Station
Desert Rats #13
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-12-17
Language English
Scenario DeRa013

This one sees a large German armored force trying to cross the map and exit tanks off the board while the Brits with a force of Stuarts tries to... stop them? maybe? Playing straight up there is no chance, they are simply too outgunned and out armored. It seems that the real meat of the scenario is that the Germans have to escort their PzIIs (the only tanks they have that fear the Stuarts) off the map and the Brits have to somehow penetrate the German formation to get in a few quick shots on the German light tanks. The Germans get a company of infantry and a 50 as well, but they are basically there for moral support.

German plan is to set the PZIVs in the center, followed by the infantry, with the PzIIIs on either flank, setting up a screen. They are careful to make sure that the Brits cant get around the right flank with the PZIIIs' extended range fire and the board edge. This limits the approaches that the Brits, who set up toward the south, can take. From their, they leave the PZIIs 4 hexes behind the IVs and just cautiously move up.

Brits know they don't have much of a chance but they divide up their forces, some trying to sweep through the extended range in the south, the others moving north to try and get around the flank there, knowing the center with the IVs is a lost cause.

Extended AT fire range from the IIIs is effective enough to swat down the flys and the scenario is quickly over.

There isnt much of a chance to win this as the Brits, especially if the German player understands the meta game around the PZIIs. I give it a very low 2 based on perceived balance, and similarity to other scenarios thus far.

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