Panzer Grenadier Battles on February 1st:
An Army at Dawn #20 - A Stronger Effort Africa Orientale Italiana #38 - Roadblock in Dongolaas Gorge
An Army at Dawn #21 - Back to Sened Station Road to Berlin #25 - Fritz's Heirs
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #19 - Renewed Effort Road to Berlin #26 - Ad Hoc
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #20 - Return to Sened Station
Desert Rats #9
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-12-12
Language English
Scenario DeRa009

When playing these scenarios sequentially like a crazy person, this is a nice change of pace from surrendering, brittle Italians. Combined arms Germans must take a series of entrenchments from Indian forces while limiting their casualties. Indians set up dug in and entrenched in mutually supporting positions, with the corners manned by double HMG entrenchments. Nothing too special here.

Despite having a TON of troops, the Indians are actually somewhat limited in what they can bring to bear. Much of their force is a swarm of APCs which immediately run to the northwest hill and dig in. They are far to brittle to stand up to the German armor, so will act as a mobile reserve if an opportunity presents itself. Both sides have to flee their motor pools to their safe corner though, a desert rats theme, as taking out the pool is enough steps to usually win the scenario... They also have a lot of 2 pounders which can really only threaten the PzIIs.

Due to these limits to the Indians, the game plan for the Germans is to be extremely patient (look at that turn count), and hammer the allies with concentrated OBA/mortars, long range armor fire, and masses of machine guns. Of note is the fact that German HMGs have a range of 5, and Indians only 4, so aside from the 3 inch mortars, the Indians can't touch... really anything the Germans have unless they move in too early. The Germans also luckily drew their combat modifier 2 LT, so they can have 5 HMGs firing at the same time at one target while not being stacked 3 deep.

The early OBA focus was on the mortars, and once gone, the Germans just get their heavy hitters in position and bleed the Indians for the whole day. Seeing the inevitable coming, the Indians send their reserves and the dug in INF out for a desperate counter attack of the German right flank but they get shot to bits by the now dug in for hours German INF. It was basically a suicidal charge, but sitting there just getting shot would have meant the same result just slower.

In retrospect, I think the only chance they have for a draw is to slip their ACWs around the Germans and hit their motor pool. Having anchored their left with the PZIVs and the Right with the PZIIIs, the Germans were ready to make them run the gauntlet to do so. I'm surprised to see the play results so far. Did the other Germans not use the full time alloted and just slam in instead of taking advantage of the superior range and arty? Idk...

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