Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Black SS scenario #11: Perrier Ridge
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2010-11-14
Language English
Scenario BlSS011

• Black SS scenario #11, Perrier Ridge

Part 1:

Well I am into Scenario #11, Perrier Ridge from Black SS right now. Only the start of turn 2, so much action to go. Lots to think about in this one, for both sides, what to control, what points to go after, how now to lose too many units and so on. an interesting mix of units on both sides.

Part 2:

Continuing play:

The British have two forces, one on map 27 and the other on map 31. So when I brought my German forces on the Southern edge of the map boards, I divided their forces into two groups as well, as this is only a 22 turn scenario and the points for those town hexes are mixed on both maps and I don't feel the German can win if they don't go after some on both boards. But will there be enough punch to divide their forces, or should I have kept them together & hit one and have enough time to go after the other. Did I divide the forces into the correct groupings. Did I setup the British forces in the correct defensive positions? There must be a 100 way to play this scenario.

Right now I am on turn five and I am knocking on door on both urban areas but much game to go.

Interesting, as the conclusion notes of this scenario mention a twenty-Five-pounders & Typhoon but none of these units show up in the scenario. No big deal, as this scenario has a lot different unit types: ARVE, Firefly, Achilles, Panther, Marder III, NW41, and tons of Engineer units to name a few. Now back to the game.

Part 3:

The fighting rages as almost two separate battles, from one map to the other, until the end, when I tried to shift some forces around and some tank fire crossed both boards as well. The Germans were not able to hammer out enough town hexes from the British control but did take a toll on the unit count of the British but not enough for a victory. The Game ended in a draw but very close to a British minor victory, just three more points in fact.

German mistakes were spreading out forces into two attach groups. They should have tried to control one map area with combine forces first, then hit the second area if time allowed.

British mistakes were exposing some of their armor two early to the German Panther Tanks. They needed to just keep them in ambush areas, as all they had to do was defend. Two their credit, they did take out two steps of Panther tanks but if they hadn't lost so many armor points themselves, they would of had an easy minor British victory at least if not a Major.

Game mistake; forgetting to use scenario Special Rule #3, which would have shifted things back in the Germans favor a bit.

Fun scenario, would be hard to play out the same way twice, so it has good replay value.

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