Panzer Grenadier Battles on November 21st:
Desert Rats #16 - The Panzers Pull Back Desert Rats #19 - The Panzers Return
Desert Rats #17 - The Tomb Of Sidi Rezegh Jungle Fighting #7 - Line Of Departure
Desert Rats #18 - A Pibroch's Skirl South Africa's War #5 - Irish Eyes
Three Session Victory for the Commonwealth
Author Tambu (Australia, Britain)
Method Face to Face
Victor Australia, Britain
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2022-07-17
Language English
Scenario AfKo037

It took longer than we expected but the Australians and Brits won out over the defending Jerries hiding behind (and on) minefields and difficult-to-take entrenchments. This happened at night, so the Allies were able to get very close without drawing hostile fire and some of the minefields were fake. The close assaults on the entrenched Jerries and moving the Digger infantry and HMGs around the Jerry positions took a long time and was boring. The last entrenchment was taken on the last turn and the Germans had very bad luck with their die rolls.

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