Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 4th:
Desert Rats #31 - Young Fascists : The Morning Phase Red Warriors #18 - Shanaurin Strikes Back
Desert Rats #32 - Young Fascists : The Afternoon Phase Tank Battles #29 - Operation MARS #17: Shanaurin's Drive VI: Shanaurin Strikes Back
Heavy Metal #4 - Shielded Frogs
Bardia falls again
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Australia, Britain
Play Date 2022-05-21
Language English
Scenario CCV2003

This is the third scenario in the 1941 campaign in C&C. It is a assault on the desert strong point Bardia by the Australians versus the Italians. In this scenario, three British lieutenants are assigned to the Australian command for the attack. Lt. Wright will be attached to a flanking force while Lt. White and the newly minted Lt. Brown are assigned to the main infantry force rushing the center. Brown is new to North Africa and is an adept leader to direct fire in support of attacks and we will see how he can help the attack at Bardia.

On the Italian side, we start to follow three new Tenentes, Morertti, De Luca and Romano. All three are replacements from the Italian main land army rotated in for North African service. They have been assigned to the outpost to fill in for losses in prior battles. All three are average leaders, but Moretti has FO skills as well as De Luca having worked with artillery. Both are helpful as there is a good amount of artillery to support Bardia. Tenete Romano is a good infantry man with assault and shooting skills.

Bardia is a dugin outpost in the desert with several heavily fortified positions for artillery and infantry defense. The Italians have for an supportive defense with infantry and AT guns facing the British advance and supporting artillery behind. Our new Tenentes are setup within the defense, but Tn. Moretti is in a lone outpost on the top of low hilltop to the southwest.

The Australians start the attack before dawn and advance quickly taking advantage of the dark to close on the forts and dugin Italians. Once close they jump right in the forts and foxholes to close assault the Italians. Soon the Italians respond with artillery and counter assaults stalemating soon of the attacks. The Australian flanking force converges on the southwest hill and attacks Tn. Moretti's foxholes before the can call in artillery. After a short fight the Italians run for the fort and Moretti is demoralized. The flank force, with the British Lt. Wright, continue to move to get to the Italian guns.

Over the course of the next several hours the Australians continue to attack but determined Italian counter attacks drive the Australian casualties, but the forts start to fall as the morale and determination keep the Italians losing ground. The game goes down to the end and even one fort remains in Italian hands, but in the end the Australians win.

The Italian Tenentes all are lost in the battle, two are captured and one killed. Their performances are lack luster before their loss. Disrupting and demoralizing left them with negative numbers despite some artillery hits and assault successes. As for the British Lieutenants, all survived the battle. Lt's Brown and White suffered from disruptions that hurt their performance, but we able to rally and help get some platoons back into battle. Lt. Wright was able to get some performance bonus from his actions. He directed assaults and rallied troops while avoiding disruption and demoralization. Although his performance is good, it is not enough to get promoted to Captain.

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