Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Tank Battles #5
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2022-03-09
Language English
Scenario TaBa005

This is a rather quick scenario in which the smaller Italian force must break out from the approaching Soviet Guards. Its a rather tough, uphill battle (literally and figuratively) but with the aid of some key die rolls and initiative wins I think it is possible.

Italians are forced to setup 2 to a hex in a 7 hex line starting at the eastern edge, so they dont have the ability to spread out. The Soviets are going to be bunched out in front of them, so the key part to the set up is to have your mobile forces on the Italian right so you can try to run for the road and sneak past. I set up with the motorcycles, then tanks, then the HMGs as a bit of a fire support sacrifice with the INF ready to run for it if the option opened up.

Soviets won first initiative and got to fully secure the hill that divides the set up area. Italians responded by setting taking pot shots at them trying to get a weak spot to develop. It didnt really work. But in the meanwhile the motorcycles rush for the road and the tanks headed northwest, keeping distance form the stalking T-34s. The goal there is to try to get around them, win initiative, take one round of moving fire and escape down the road.

I think that little tank duel is the key here, unfortunately the rules are ambiguous as to whether or not they count as 2 points if they escape. I said they did as the Italians needed help. Anyway, over the next couple turns, the motorcycles got away unopposed (Soviets could try with Cavalry but it would be very tough to stop them and not worth it). Italians never really got the hinge initiative so the Tank duel ended up as a loss.

That left the INF fight on the Italian left as the last bit. Whats interesting about this is that the Soviets even with a larger and generally better force, have only 4 leaders. One was killed early on due to an assault that went bad. So if the Italians can get a morale status on the Soviet left, they can send a couple platoons scurrying away and the Soviets wont have the C&C to pursue. Italians using this method were able to get 3 platoons out around their left and off the board. Total of 5 units, just not enough.

If the tank duel ends up as an Italian win, I think they can pull this off, tough but not impossible.

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