India 1, Italy 0 - A Failed Onslaught | ||||||||||||||
Played this overlong scenario out over 3 face-to-face sessions without the evil FOW rule. This was our first Desert Rats adventure and as others have noted this is a classic infantry slugfest over a set of entrenchments and towns in mountainous terrain. Both side drew relatively poor leaders and the British side was surrounded very quickly. The Italian's attack was aimed initially at the SE hill where fierce fight ensued. The small Punjabi contingent on the hill held out against multiple DF attacks and drove off three full assaults. This went on from Turn 3 until Turn 15 with bad dice rolls being the curse of the day for the Italian side, resulting in multiple demoralizations and an eventual 10 step losses. Inevitably, the SE hill was taken and the battle shifted to the SW hill where a similar chaotic fight ensued and it fell on Turn 20 The remaining turns saw Italian stacks fired at the remnant of entrenched Brits, mostly from adjacent hexes and slowly developing assaults resulted in their occupation of all the hills but not the final entrenchment - which they continued to shoot at, bombard and assault. Italian OBA was often short and the hit their own troops several times in the last 10 turns. In the end, a minor British victory was achieved on the last turn. This was a decently balanced and relatively fun scenario to play, although we did feel that it went on too long. |