Panzer Grenadier Battles on February 20th:
An Army at Dawn #32 - Kasserine Pass: Gore Force An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #33 - Egged On
An Army at Dawn #33 - Kasserine Pass: Egged On Nihon Silk #2 - Koepang, Day One
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #32 - Gore Force Winter's Battle #5 - Advance from Grodno
Scenarios Never Before Played:
Total Recruits: 1,457 Total Plays: 12,865 Total AARs: 6,080
Newest Recruit: IronGate Play Coverage: 76.5% AAR Coverage: 62.4%
Last Play: On 2025-02-19, Grognard Gunny played Dishonor Before Death #3: Roadside Evening and rated it a 3.
Last AAR: On 2025-02-19, Grognard Gunny wrote Tough fight!
Online: no one
Last 24 Hours: BigJimSlade, cbielgib, cjsiam, CravenDumps35, dirk, Grognard Gunny, IronGate, joe_oppenheimer, Juiceman, leonard, Lucky Eddie, PANISTA, plloyd1010, rerathbun, Schoenwulf, Shad, treadasaurusrex, triangular_cube, wleonard1
Vassal System Statistics
Games: 170 of 170 Players: 79 Lifetime Play Rate: 15.7%
Coverage: 100% Plays: 2,015 New Era Play Rate: 39.6%
[ PINNED NEWS ] Announcing the addition of Homebrew Scenarios!

When PG-HQ turns 15 on June 6th we will formally release the 4th wing of the Library dedicated solely to our members' homebrew scenarios!

Read more about this upcoming feature in this forum thread, including how you can contribute!

(news archives) ~ Shad
(edited 2025-02-02 16:22)

A fine idea. Looks like goosebrown, Tambu, sagunto, Chaco and I will have to get to work in earnest on Venceramos - our much-discussed series of Spanish Civil War scenarios - as soon as APL releases the new set of 1936-1939 counters for use in the upcoming release of Jarama 1937.

2025-01-29 17:21

Concur that this is a good idea. I wonder if we might also include corrected and revised versions of old PG scenarios using input and errata that we have recorded on the PG-HQ website.

2025-01-29 21:30

I am all in on this when the counters get here. Listening to The Battle for Spain by Anthony Beevor and I am raring to get into this era

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 262

On 2025-02-16, Tankodactyl earned their 3rd Tour of Duty medal when they completed PG Demo Games!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany Wins: 4
  • Soviet Union Wins: 0

Tankodactyl, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

PG Demo Games Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 261

On 2025-02-08, CravenDumps35 earned their 4th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Nihon Silk!

  • Draws: 1
  • Japan Wins: 5
  • Netherlands Wins: 0
  • United States Wins: 4
  • Australia, Netherlands Wins: 0
  • Britain, Netherlands Wins: 0

CravenDumps35, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Nihon Silk Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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February Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

joe_oppenheimer is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant Major insignia to Second Lieutenant insignia


(news archives) ~ Shad
2025-02-01 07:21

Congrats Joe, that's a big step!

2025-02-01 12:47

I was sort of hoping to remain an NCO forever.

2025-02-01 13:04

I can bust you back to PFC if it pleases you ;-)

(edited 2025-02-08 17:48)

Welcome to the ranks of commissioned officers, Joe!

A major accomplishment for any player of this darn fiddly, but interesting game.

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